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Everything posted by jezza

  1. about time you snaped out of it now jezza .......... I have , I've grown hair now
  2. brilliant , i left school in 88 , got my first vespa , went on scooter rallies. The programme takes me back especially the skinhead /ska / soul music.
  3. I tend to mix scrumpy and southern comfort or Guinness and port it is Christmas and I don't drink much.
  4. a couple from the piaggio factory in pontedera
  5. this is very funny but a tad risque, there is no nudity in this only a very rude chimp.
  6. what a load of fo*cking about, just spray some chain cleaner on it , 10mins rinse it off,oil it up, job done...some people have too much time on their hands.
  7. got a koso on mine. this is a similar model, managed to pick mine up cheap off ebay. http://www.digital-speedos.co.uk/rx2n-10k-rpm-multifunction---classic-edition-1-p.asp really easy to fit as well
  8. I want a lazy relaxing enjoyable day , Christmas day no cooking as we are all going out for lunch which I'm glad about, as its me who normally does the cooking and with visiting all the in laws christmas day it don't leave much time to prepare and get the food sorted and relax.
  9. 11 o,clock at night I'm tucked up in bed with my cocoa preparing myself for getting up on a sunday for a morning @ work
  10. Gaz , the dogs homes are brimming with bull terriers , these are bloody good loyal soppy dogs that have been given a bad name due to chavs wanting an hard man status, please don't overlook these if you do search for another dogs . ours stanley was born in a dogs home , returned twice by various owners due to silly reasons . hes a staffie / english bull x.
  11. pickled egg ,packet of plain crisps and a bottle of "k" please. this is a great un , always remember hearing it in the back off the car on the way back from my nans on the sunday night chart show, seemed like it was in the charts for ages. I was only 7
  12. now you may have seen this but it is amazing to watch , if you have the patience watch it all the way through.
  13. I'll have to be designated driver for the next few weeks as my kidneys have decided to fight back so i'm on antibiotics and pain killers so drink away lads I'm ya lift home.
  14. that wont be a problem for jezza it wont even touch the sides
  15. done it years ago as big as i am i would not go back to it.
  16. Saturday is hell , this bloody programme is on for 2 1/2 hours , then she has x factor on .Any wonder I go to football, get pissed and sleep it off when I get home.
  17. I drink real cider , not the fizzy crap that comes out of bottles that puffs/girls drink but the cloudy stuff with bits floating in it that numbs/burns your throat as it goes down ....there have been a few victims of this off these boards that have partaken in my tipple with me.
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