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Everything posted by jezza

  1. I'll knock some out and hand out at the bike meet next weekend if the weather is good. Dave ,why not join this group and pop a post up about the forum http://www.facebook.com/groups/Glosbikenites/
  2. why not design something on your computer , post it up here then the members can just print some out and take to bike meets/shows etc...
  3. do you think we had better warn him not to do a stoppie.
  4. nope don't know them, do they get down the pub.
  5. I bloody hate the cold weather as well cos it causes nothing but problems for us at work as all the saws need a constant water supply. By the time we have thawed them and sorted out all the problems associated with frozen pipes its time to pack up and go home ready to start the same process the next day.Added to that block freezes on the tables as its being cut, can't transport larger block on the forklift trucks because where they are icey they will just slide straight off the forks. we lose £1000's a day when the weather is like this. this was last years cold snap.
  6. enjoyed the lakes when i done it on the bike in 08 and would have loved to have done the lakes again however I'm on holiday in italy until the 6th august.... but I will be doing the Bulldog Bash from the 9th August , if anyone else is doing it and wants to meet up.
  7. jezza


    catch you at the jolly farmers.
  8. jezza


    well dave i was talking to chad , however now the thought as crossed my mind your not either
  9. jezza


    i think its depends on the fmaily. when i was bought up good, and ive got family in say their twenties with kids and their good parents, this woman was in early twenties, and was like that. TBH Chad think you will find thats why you are liked so much on here because you are not your typical 18 year old, you come across as you know right from wrong , have some discipline and manners, but can still have a good laugh and put your side across to others , I think from what i have seen your a credit to your parents m8 and your still small enough to put over my knee and have you arse smacked.
  10. that is quick ,Knocked a full second off this one .
  11. somebody has far too much time on their hands
  12. triumph and norton I'll let the youngsters work the rest out.
  13. yes its snowing here and i bloody hate it as it means its gonna cause problems at work on monday. effin stuff.
  14. yes and it takes affect in your late 30's early 40's who said that? come on own up.
  15. did your parents not warn you lot that knocking one out too often makes you blind.
  16. if you put a vid up then I will post one of me on my guitar and i will post a vid up of me playing the FOOL !!!! I've already seen that Dave , especially after you have had a small amount of cider.
  17. I hope you have the receipt cos to me half of it looks missing.
  18. i think the 1100 swingarm is a tad wider than the bandit one at the pivot point so some sort of spacer will have to be knocked up.
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