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Everything posted by jezza

  1. not that pissed......oh the autocom sold for £113 (only paid £99 4 years ago for it)
  2. little bugger could have done mine when i was there.
  3. whatttttt........ you mean that russian bride i just ordered.
  4. got the rx2 kosos on my bandit, fairly easy to set up.
  5. at the moment i have a autocom system selling on there which finishes in a hour so that should release a bit more cash.
  6. well just won a hayabusa textile jacket with armour. for the bint for 36 quid.
  7. so far haynes book , a Mug purchased, now watching a jacket ,tank bag, new paddock stand and a pair of exhausts end cans , it could get messy.
  8. i've looked at various busa sites and only signed up to one , an english site . although its fairly quiet (1 or 2 posts a day on there) they seem a friendly bunch of people and helpful. still looking for one to sign up to thats a tad busier but without the bullshit.
  9. just downloaded this app for my phone , initial thought is it does look pretty good. oh and its pronounced route not effing rowt http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/best-biking-roads/id377696336?mt=8 http://www.bestbikingroads.com/ I've also got this little book best rides road atlas and that is a brilliant little map book. http://www.thebestrides.co.uk/
  10. you need to lower the bloody net if your hoping to catch some for dinner.
  11. The frog in my vid was not having much fun.
  12. i was looking for a white one however the ones i see had done more mileage.
  13. using Grumpy owls tip probably took an hour to fit the crash posts also fitted R&G bar ends and fork protectors. just waiting for screen and hugger to arrive.
  14. right all bits assembled , got the R&G's , got the drill bit and assembled the precision laser R&G drill bit guidance system (hi tec stuff , laser pen mounted on camera tri pod ) . gonna give it a go in the next day or so.
  15. even better is to fill them up on cheap orange juice and blue smarties , you won't get asked again
  16. got a smaller one on the bandit, doubt a smaller one on the busa would make a difference to its fat arse.
  17. jump on he train to brum and take them here , bloody great day out. http://www.thinktank.ac/
  18. been up since 5.30 hoping to get out for an hour or two before going off to football, peeing down when i got up and still peeing down now so it looks like i shall be giving it a miss today.
  19. ive heard the sub frame can crack if you change exhausts,was that just he mk1's? early models had a aluminium subframe which was prone to cracking under stress after 2001 they rectified this problem with a change of subframe.
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