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Everything posted by jezza

  1. if you get chance pop into the harbour (the barbican) at plymouth , go to captain jaspers and get yourself a jasperiser http://www.capn-jaspers.co.uk/index.htm
  2. it was great to catch up , hope your having a good time as the weather has treated you well.
  3. that would keep some young lady happy.......actually i'll see if i can find a video of something similar.
  4. is there a link or map of the rout i can cast my beady eye over.
  5. the best of both worlds at a price http://www.greenfingers.com/superstore/product.asp?dept_id=200712&pf_id=LT0671D&co=fr&gclid=CPOq2IGZjbACFWchtAodVS4wpw
  6. I wonder why dick was not invited to the annual admin and mod party , maybe he's being black balled eh Robbie.
  7. right are you a charcoal person or gas bbq.....i'm looking at purchasing a new barbie ready for the jubilee weekend however i've always had gas before because of their ease however i may go for a more traditional charcoal this time due to the food having a better taste, the thing thats putting me off is that i can't just get home from work , light a charcoal and cook 10 mins later which is what i could do with gas. what are your thoughts.
  8. Go for it, when the Admins away Robbie and Jezza can play im watching you two two against one
  9. i see a rather tidy 5 star top box earlier on a certain guessing website .
  10. Thankyou master Jedi Jizman also my light sabre is extended and you shall feel the force , ready tomorrow you shall be. . yeah yeah Ive heard all that before and it failed to meet expectations perhaps its cos you prefer the darkside.
  11. i was gonna post a photo of a top box however i feel it may not be appropriate for this forum.
  12. plus I didn't have any scotch clips about and couldn't be bothered messing with the terminals. don't worry my little padwan , scotch locks in the morning provide i will. Thankyou master Jedi Jizman also my light sabre is extended and you shall feel the force , ready tomorrow you shall be.
  13. plus I didn't have any scotch clips about and couldn't be bothered messing with the terminals. don't worry my little padwan , scotch locks in the morning provide i will.
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