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Everything posted by jezza

  1. would this not be due to the float valve in the carb.
  2. yes R&G's are going on next week , double bubble and rear hugger ordered , I think that may be about it oh yes and bloody ride it when I can
  3. Just about to go out for a ride , got a few better pics than the one from yesterday, Already removed the white dot and dash tank protectors as I thought they looked blood awful so will replace with something better asap.
  4. ordered one only to find when i picked the bike up it had a full touring kit hidde behind the numberplate, luckily the shop will take the new one back. also found a link on the r&g website which shows how to fit the bungs, also ordered the r&g 28mm saw to make things easier. http://www.rg-racing.com/browseType/Crash_Protectors/Suzuki/GSX1300R_Hayabusa/CP0063.aspx http://www.rg-racing.com/browseType/General_Accessories/HS0001RE.aspx
  5. oh dear your in trouble sadie just read that.
  6. I'll try washing next time , it may get rid of the tangy heady flavour.
  7. you know how tasty my special filling is
  8. especially when the fuel guage hit red and i realised i was 25 miles from the nearest garage
  9. just ordered small hugger and new airflow screen screen for it .it did get a tad windy at ahem......70mph m'lud.
  10. all picked up , got to give it a good clean now, I shall pop some pics up when its all clean unless Robbie beats me to it. Thanks again to Robbie for nipping me over there to collect the Bike. Just one Gripe , effin caravaners leaving tyres in the motorway or deciding to crash not to long in front of us causing tailbacks.
  11. yes ,going to only do sensible mods to this bike, r&g's , scotoiler , things like that really. Must be getting old.
  12. great stuff , I've ordered my r&g's so when they arrive i'll try and sus them out. Got one of the last gen 1 , 5000 miles on a 08 cost was less than £6000 , totally standard one owner. pick it up saturday.........nitrous going on sunday (only joking)
  13. just ordered some for the new bike , how did you get on fitting these Grumpy owl.
  14. just right for the sunday morning ride. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DAYTONA-SECURITY-EVO-III-3-FULL-GP-RACE-SPEC-MOTORCYCLE-BOOTS-/190636375914?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Boots&var=&hash=item2c62d03f6a#ht_1827wt_932
  15. DAVE HAVE YOU SEEN THIS.........do you know anyone you could recommend.
  16. stue ban him keep looking jezza,the wright one will come along Yep and it'll begin with a K and end in awasaki Nope it begins with Hand ends with ayabusa Depoit paid ..... hopefully after phone call tomorrow I should have collection date.
  17. I'm up for it , good to see you have found somewhere , if your off for a drink round stratford in the evening give us a shout and I'll pop over as its only 20 mins down the road.
  18. Noooo we are not women we dont need that much for camping surely 2day stop over.. 2 pants 2socks deodarant toothbrush no hair gel change of boot and away ya go wear the clothes under ya leathers any longer take three pairs of pants , one to wear , one to wash and one drying
  19. when i do it , it makes the ones on my shorter Its a pity you did not figure this out before the ones on your head disappeared.
  20. is that not what women are supposed to do.
  21. looking for something from around 07 onwards £6500 max, lower mileage the better as i intend to keep for a few years.
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