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Everything posted by jezza

  1. some people rave about them , however I had a set and two plugs failed before a thousand miles. So i've gone back to standard ngk's as i could not justify paying out for another set.
  2. up in these here hills we still use the star rating To think it was 12 years ago when 4 star was finally phased out somehow it seems longer.
  3. its a shame you will just miss this if you go back on the 1st of june , the proper olimpicks. http://www.olimpickgames.co.uk/ if your visiting Bourton on the water , chipping campden is worth a visit Full of thatched cottages, tea rooms , pubs etc.(only 12 miles from stratford on avon) , Thats one day sorted if you combine all three.
  4. yup I fancy this one, Priyanka Pathania.
  5. I doubt you see proper football coming from sunderland or do you follow newcastle.
  6. Beating Sw*ndon today 2-0 after going down to 10 men after 15 mins, I've lost my voice . To top it off I've just won a complete gsxr usd front end for the bandit includes usd's , mudguard , discs , calipers, wheel & yokes for a paltry sum. Gonna strip, rebuild and polish them before going on the bandit. Oh and did I mention Oxford won What a great day.
  7. sorted jez decembers going to be a group picture from one opf the rides proably the annual that i most likely cant make now should not worry I'm in italy end of july begining of august so won't be attending any.
  8. just a thought if bike of the month is being used for the calender , surely you should be a month ahead else your not gonna have the pics ready for when the calender goes into production.
  9. what does the mask look like. This one comes with eye protection Top welding mask Have to get one for Tammy Thats a posh one , could be a tad to comfortable for the willing partner. its defo better than my welding mask.
  10. you old folk should give these a ring http://www.saga.co.uk/
  11. I ought to sell the bints vxr and make her walk to work
  12. I had the money. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/suzuki-bandit-gsf1200-complete-turbo-kit-streetfighter-/220962787078?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item3372688f06#ht_1010wt_932
  13. what does the mask look like.
  14. do you think I would get away with saying these are gourmet and not smutty . http://www.play.com/Gadgets/Gadgets/4-/23456261/Candy-G-String/Product.html?_%24ja=tsid:11518%7Ccat:23456261%7Cprd:23456261
  15. maybe they are really posh gloves
  16. aqs you can see , not even a 50 quid note between my arse cheeks , bloody broke i tell ye.
  17. just done the 1200 now got the car to do , so a total of £314 quid they have had out of me this month , its gonna be another tight month in march.
  18. Robbie popped over so we nipped off to Bourton on the water for chips and a coke by the river.
  19. You do know why the bit above the hips is called a waist don't ya ..............Its cos God could have easily fitted another pair of tits there.
  20. of course men can multitask ........while doing the business with the Mrs I can think of the bird up the road.
  21. I had a taffy 166 in an old pk cutdown frame. wish I'd taken more pics instead of getting pissed on thunderbird. Done my first rally on a pk50 in 88 took me 12 hours to get to Exmouth from my house in Gloucestershire.
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