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Everything posted by jezza

  1. ..... I'd thought I'd put some of my birthday gifts to use that I got of Dave 'n' Mel and Robbie , Thanks Guys much appreciated. as you can see polished up well. Hopefuly got friday off work so I shall be taking it out then weather permitting.
  2. He's got a lovely glow on his face was he looking at your avatar He'd more rthan likely been on my scrumpy stash
  3. seen pictures of this before , never seen the video though. The scooter is a lambretta li series one, I rebuilt a series two (reg 1960) a few years back. Bought it as a box of bits. Finished scoot in the conservertory My youngest joe on it during Build My mate Andy on it
  4. jezza


    Shall I start this over again, jezza pm the chimp video over to me please I need a laugh ad a crap day at work You dont want to see it...it involves Dave and Jezza Dave you have to admit the monkey and the frog is funny even the kids were laughing with the mum, it aint that bad, watch this space
  5. not yet but soon to be he looksdont look old enough yes he bloody does
  6. jezza


    it s on its way streetfighter
  7. jezza


    where did i put that mankini?
  8. jezza


    you lookin at my arse again dave
  9. jezza


    NO it might in the early hours
  10. jezza


    can my chimp video re appear
  11. jezza


    or Bloody Mr nobody , he does get about doesn't he .
  12. jezza


    it would upset him more if you went round and wiped your willy on his curtain eh chad !
  13. jezza


    Yeh made me laugh an I'm on the train home from work, come on guys put it back up it aint that bad as chad said there's been worse Like the rose incident that wasuch worse and oh dear jezza you can't have used the c**t word chad otherwise it would have been left up
  14. jezza


    I asked a pretty, young, homeless woman if I could take her home, and she said yes with a big smile. The look on her face soon changed when I walked off with her cardboard box.
  15. i may do that , I'll also pass on the details to some of my scooter mates.
  16. vodka watermelon- cut a hole in a melon , feed the vodka in over a few hours so the melon can absorb it , replace plug you cut out then give me a ring and i will call round and eat it.
  17. I'm going to get totally and utterly wan*ered Saturday then I shall proceed to have a day or two off beer while i recover just like the government recommend.
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