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Everything posted by lee1

  1. You could start the help/advice part by apologising for not wearing any form of eye protection. You could follow that by telling us what you know about the effects of breathing in all that compound & aluminium is having on your lungs. Please don't try this at home folks, it's not cool & it's not 'ard. I always wear wrap around specs when I'm polishing, even with massive amounts of air extraction I've still experienced discomfort from particles in my eyes Simple disposable dust masks cost about 0.05p when bought in bulk, they pays for themselves in 20yrs time when you can't climb the stairs anymore.dust masks wrap around specs are for girls yes I do use these as a rule,in that pic Im just trying the new polisher out,foolish not wearing the protective gear yes
  2. Give the bike a clean today,thought it would be a good idea to try the new camera out [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
  3. you will only ever get good results,with industrial stuff itchy,but for light home use a good qaulity drill/bench grinder will be fine practise/practise/practise good results can be had with a drill been there done it where alot of people fail,is in the prep work just like someone painting a car heres a pic of me with my latest polisher £350.00 price tag but Im serious about it [img][/img] when ya start to polish ya stuff,Im here to help/advice
  4. here ya go matey,order from here all the kits are exasplained,what they do/or for ect if your useing a drill,make sure its a good one they tend to burn out quick or not powerfull enough same with bench grinders drill will be ok for just ya basic polishing http://www.thepolishingshop.co.uk/acatalog/Standard_Polishing_Kits.html
  5. what ever you decide stue,good luck with it all cant really comment,never had the chance to be in that situation and to be honest I dont want to aslong as me bills are paid, ive roof over me head, and food in the cupboard,good health Im happy
  6. lee1

    Howdy Folks

    hi welcome to the forum
  7. lee1

    stag night

    prince williams stag party is going to be a pretty weird night I mean imagine stuffing pictures of your granny into lapdancers knickers
  8. Them vids are a bit chilling to say the least stue even though theres nothing there,my dog only ever reacts like that,when he has seen something, next doors cat, someone at the door after watching them theres definatley,something going off as said even children pick up on stuff,I know ive had a joke about the post,but i do beleive in this kind of stuff can remember when my sister lived in a very old cottage,and when her son was about 5 she use to find him stood at the bottom of the stairs talking to someone,when she use to ask who he was talking to,he would say the mr at the top of the stairs Think she ended up getting someone in,to do something then it all stopped,keep us all informed with what ya find out
  9. you going to let matt get away with that comment dave I hate cheeky kids
  10. not only a ghost but a pervert ghost,going through your mrs draws thats got to be a first stue all jokeing aside if nothing bad has happend and it dont bother ya stue,just leave it do some research on your area and house,may find some intresting stuff out
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