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Everything posted by lee1

  1. thats ok , but i would't like all the rubbing on my bike Bet the bike dont get a headache
  2. bloody hell stue not haveing much luck mate,main thing is your all ok
  3. sure theres something called wonder wheels dave its an acid cleaner for alloy wheels,suppose to be real good stuff,doesnt damage the paint
  4. I will see what change there is at back of sofa
  5. that poor bike,someone go get it bring it round
  6. i have been using her toothbrush on my headers on the B12 , will the same brush be ok ?I wouldnt if ya been useing autosol with it
  7. come on mark crack on,this post is nearly as long as yd build
  8. nitromorse then polish them to a mirror finish use the wifes toothbrush to get stuck in there,then just normal polish should do it dave
  9. lol noz not really looked to be honest,need to get chain and sprockets first
  10. not into ripping people off mate,thats one of the reasons I started polishing paying good money out for shit work cheers for all the nice comments all
  11. heres to the next 270 keep up the good work dave
  12. cheers all makes it worth while to hear it from others @noz you know you want to sell me the rear matching disc
  13. lee1


    whats your ride ? post some pics up in the pics of bikes section Think its a dave welcome dave
  14. sorry mate must of missed this post,chin up jus hope ya feeling much better soon matey
  15. nice one stue good to hear you had a great day,its hard for anyone who has a family member on the front line total respect mate
  16. As said polishing is a true art in its self you will only ever achieve,good results through spending some serious money on equipment The only other way to get to these standards,is to sit there hour upon hour upon hour,with lots of grades of sand paper and very sore fingers and still need a buffing compound and mop to finish off the job some pick it up real quick with a little advice and the right stuff,I admire anyone that has a go at it,as through own exsperience it aint easy by any means everything has to be looked at carefully,only the polisher with the exsperience knows what needs to be done,once the paint or anodising has been removed what you have to remember is when bike or car manafactures are haveing something painted or anodised it dont matter to much what the product looks like as its been coverd ive got a casing here to polish,when ive removed the paint I will post a pic to show you the condition heres my two fav pics of my polishing [img][/img] [img][/img]
  17. you got to admire the work that goes into these bikes
  18. lee1

    ALL ME

    welcome to the forum
  19. cheers all well atleast I know the new camera works lol,still dont know how what all the functions are for lol but thats ok its got a numpty function mark those bits on the swinger,are barends the revolver style,won 3 sets on evilbay so used two lots as crash protectors
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