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Everything posted by lee1

  1. I told my lad to be good the other week,or santa wont bring any presents reply;dont be stupid dad,santa aint real oh dear,little mini me looked under the tree,and all the presents were for me
  2. when I first started in the motor trade,20 years ago we always use to blow brake dust out of drums on services
  3. dont think anyone can say they have never committed a driveing offence if you aint been caught,ya just lucky A drink driver hit my cousin mother in-law a few years ago,as she was putting stuff in the boot of her car,she will never walk again The driver didnt even do a year inside,if you ask me five years wouldnt have been long enough
  4. sorry to hear this,I would take that advice off rose but would also think,if I could get another job I would go back with guns blazeing,tell him what an absolute arse he his,tell him to stick his job,tell him to sleep at night with his eyes open,and pray that our paths never meet ever again,but dont take this advice it will get ya in bother whats up with employers these days,what happend to looking after ya staff
  5. bad news,you aint killed a robin have ya hope ya get things sorted
  6. lee1


    welcome,you can be on as many forums as ya like
  7. hi matey didnt you fit a new clutch,master to it not long back could be the clutch micro switch under the lever if messing with the plugs dont work,short the two wires out at the micro switch,maybe worth a go,if it has one
  8. wishing you all a very merry xmas,all the very best for 2011,may it bring all you wish for
  9. now "B" if your talking nightmares ,i could be that man.
  10. some great pics there jezza,stay at home mate put ya feet up
  11. look alot cleaner these days will give it a miss though,Im all grown up now I think
  12. have ya tryd a big hammer,it worked on my last pc
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