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Everything posted by lee1

  1. no mate some guy walking,no buses no taxi @dave bet them fish are cold
  2. still snowing in sunny doncaster [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
  3. you will soon have it done matey,forks were posted first thing this morning
  4. not so sunny doncaster today,its just taken me 1hr 30mins to get the mrs to work 6 mile round trip some more pics off me phone [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
  5. look at that lot,remember haveing a c50 for work
  6. you have opend the crimbo sweets already
  7. ya big girl Im not scared honest welcome daz
  8. My Mrs keeps going to see him
  9. here ya go matey [img][/img] [img][/img] shiny
  10. heated grips and winter gloves are for puffs,right Im off to make sure the bikes coverd up till aprill 2011
  11. wont copper slip help,or duralac compound,copper slip been the cheapest option works for me
  12. have ya got uk vice girls vol3,ive got 1 and 2 but not vol 3
  13. we had bin bags with holes cut in
  14. lee1

    major fail

    This guy has took some serious substance of some kind
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