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Everything posted by lee1

  1. you must eat alot of lollypops jim
  2. lee1


    take another pic,but not of the kids see if its there then,great pics by the way
  3. £40.00 think he charges around the £70 mark for full seats,hes done a good job to say that seat is a cut down bandit seat
  4. you mean I need to go into town and spend some cash jim ,suppose I could get the mrs one of these programs for xmas
  5. picked it up this morning very good work indeed,I must say few more pics http://www.grizzleyscustomseats.com/ [img][/img] and mini me haveing a ride in
  6. Hi all,wonderd if anyone can help me out I have some picture discs,Im wanting to copy still pics from them but cant is there any frre programs on the net that will let me do this,Im running windows 7 ive had a look and all the ones that come up,you need to pay for lol links and what to do would be greatfull
  7. That was the first time he ever went 2007 think it was,hes been in the army for 16 years now career soldier worked his way upto sgt,then staff sgt hes volenteered to go again but spends more time down south now training new troops,ready for going over,so you can imagine Im very proud of him
  8. off to pick it up this morning dave,so will get some pics up later
  9. there getting worse jim,funny though
  10. got a txt today to say me seats ready to pick up [img][/img]
  11. great pics guys,good to hear ya been out dave is getting to be a proper biker now
  12. good luck with the house hunting
  13. nice one guys,I take it all back about you matt
  14. thought Id share this with you,this is the unit my brother serves with,the pic is my brother doing is bit when he was first sent to afgan,read the story gives an insight to what they go through very brave men all of them http://www.mirror.co.uk/sunday-mirror/2007/12/23/we-join-the-troops-at-xmas-98487-20264578/
  15. lee1

    night out

    after a night of drink,drugs,and wild sex I woke to find myself next to the ugliest woman ive ever seen Thats when I realised,I made it home safely
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