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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. My dad used to breed them years ago.
  2. RichardH


    Hi and might bump into you at a rally
  3. I thought you looked like your avatar!! Have a look in the Argos catalogue Rose
  4. well what crap weather to go home in, great to have a meat up and out faces to names, thanks for the cake Rose, can't wait tilll the good weather so we can have a rideout.
  5. I was gonna take the piss but you look chuffin huge so i won't
  6. not sure i like the idea of a bum in the mud though
  7. Why not now? I have only just started to do rallies and love them.
  8. Sorry mate i saw your dad dancing and went work instead
  9. Ah, that makes more sense, i was thinking trials bikes
  10. I'll raise a glass to that one
  11. That is without doubt my favorite bike on the site
  12. I would just like to be the first to wish you all HAPPY EASTER
  13. Hellooooo, bet its a Bandit lol
  14. I think anyone who's 45+ would have come into unrestricted contact with Asbestos, it's just the ignorance of the times.
  15. . Keep it upright Yeh and stay on the bike lol, Happy Crimbo!
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