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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Both are great sites in their own right but have to say I find myself on this one more, mainly because I like the chatbox, If I have a bandit queiry i would go to BF and also now I will have 2 lots of rideouts to go on, RESULT!
  2. No body wants to get involved nowadays, very sad
  3. Its a fly mask Nah, miles too big for a fly
  4. Wow you guys did well, all I got was a yolk cover
  5. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1255413227353
  6. Nice one, should earn you a few creep points for a week or two.
  7. Awesome! I'm hoping to do a France trip next year, fingers crossed.
  8. I carry me shopping home in those!! I wouldn't want your shopping bill!? LMAO
  9. Very nice, another member with OCD lol
  10. Hello, I'm just down the road in Northants
  11. Mnnn nice. I reckon you would find a buyer on Ebay, lol
  12. RichardH


    PS. no pun intended at you Itchy I was takin the P, no offence taken matey.
  13. Hmmn, I had you down for a large
  14. RichardH


    (_ _) An itchy arse WHAT!!!!!
  15. Look on the bright side, it's over and done now and the weather is crap so you won't be on the bike anyways.
  16. RichardH

    hey guys :D

    mate, I have a MK2 B6
  17. A good nights sleep and it will all look different in the morning m8.
  18. RichardH

    Hello From Durham.

    Hi, you sound like an all round good chap
  19. Hi shock, horror another Bandit owner
  20. I'm not really going Rose I just wanted your phone number, lmfao!!!!!!!!
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