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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. what days are you free matt, would be nice to have a good photo
  2. RichardH


    hello Andy, I'm a forum peep welcome
  3. I was buy some new gloves while I was up north but can't seem to find any without 6 fingers
  4. yeh. after talking to the uncle, his idea, i said i wanted a good finish not just cheap paper so he told me where to get good quality gloss photo paper Chad, i keep telling you where to go also, but it don't work
  5. what a why is he wearing a life jacket?
  6. right, looks like i will be going on the tues as got other stuff happening on the monday, if anyone is going to be there that day and wants to meet, let my know
  7. Thanks lads, Yes they are too wide for a narrow access but I have a cunning plan, I'm gonna cut chunks out of the fence post to allow handle bars through, that's why I have gone away form a FJR which is generally a big wide bike, my thinking is that an adventure bike is really mainly wide at the bars, at the moment I'm swaying towards a 1000 Strom but I change my mind like the wind
  8. I'm still pondering as to what bike to get next, was looking at an FJR1300 but just too awkward to get into my garden, so plan 10 is to get an adventure tipe bike, so whats your opinions. Transalp 700 Vstrom 650 or old 1000 Tiger 800 BMW T800gs or summut else, looking for a do it all bike, bit of europe touring,commuting, etc
  9. Is that right the missus has asked for the swelling to stay Seriously mate, hope it all turns out good for you
  10. Please don't use those gay calender pics that are floating about
  11. Chin up mate, if you don't want the bed baths just give me a ring, I'll have em Hope it all goes well
  12. if you go on the Monday give us a shout Rich No probs, will be in the car though
  13. looking at the monday or tuesday depending on my mate
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