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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Have you knocked up some Macaroons to
  2. MMMM tasty I am more in to Root beer it tasts weird
  3. Looks like ive a result all data now transferd on to bits of paper old fag packets and the like ! sorted cheers lads, Need an external 1TB HD now.
  4. Is this Ginger Alcolic or Enid Blyton Ginger beer I want a swig any way.Swap yer for some home made Mushroom soup its tasty and after will you see strange colours!
  5. My lap top that died was an HP G6000 and from what I can gather its a known fault with that model,It lost it's wireless connection the display when all wierd and pychodelic before it crashed,it then just died and switched it self on and of every 2 to 3 seconds. I have since been out and bought an Acer 750GB HDD 4GB DDR3 MEMORY AMD Radeon graphics I went in to Maplins today and have bought the above to retreave data from the old hard drive it spins up so I might be in luck, and am working on it now I will let you know how I get on later. cheers Gaz
  6. Now in case of "sonic attack" the Germans fitted these for a quick takeoff! crazy times.. http://www.flickr.com/photos/hetbazuin/5791151644/ Go to 2.36 and listern to the sound of these things crazy There is a blue in there reminds me of some ones bandit!common
  7. I shall sit and watching the grass grow
  8. ...NO !! only joking Yer and you will be please to know it works well Cheers Dave enjoyed last night and thanks for me gift
  9. Hi yes it is. The Starfight was good at high altitude and for going fast any thing else hopeless. But thay did'ent all crash.
  10. Glad it all went along well Stu great pics cheers Gaz
  11. Thanks for that Tub may be you can help me I need to retreave the data off the old hard drive,any ideas?
  12. Thanks I went out today and spent shed loads on a new un
  13. My laptop expired big time. I need a new one, any recomend which one I should go spend my petrol doller on before I there are so many to choose I was thinking 4gig ram wid7 and a decent HD Not HP though.Thank you Gaz
  14. Yes the Germans Bought many 104s and had them pointing at Russia on ramps with rockets attached to there under carrage for super fast take off. the F-104 was modified in many ways. The F-104 G was created for the Federal Air Force, a multipurpose version which was no longer just a fighter but reconnaissance plane and fighter-bomber as well. The Germans wanted 750! but where only allowed ?
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