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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Wile I was at the Scottish watching the carnage on one of the sections I noticed this chick checking out the route she was going to take she only cleaned it the lads were binning bikes every where!!!!!! here she is most cool nice one Becky.
  2. Right my friend as MS and is keen to get back on the pillion for ride outs before her illness progresses. Problem we have is she can not feel her feet, We need an idea of some type of retainer to hold her feet on the pegs,some thing that dose not look to out of place neat and tidy, so tie raps are a no no any kind of ideas would be most cool
  3. Been away up north this week with my mate from California to see this http://www.ssdt.org/ bloody good it was to. Called in to Davida helmets in Liverpool on the way back,what a smashing bunch of people they were, well recommended if you need a new open face lid
  4. If ATS an't got kettle on:) you can call here the coffee's not as good but the hot meat pies are by the you going to the fair tonight? http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=109649105752105 Cheers Stu no time to stop early start late return
  5. http://www.punk77.co.uk/wip/polystyrene.htm She passed away today aged 53 Breast Cancer, http://www.nme.com/news/x-ray-spex/56316
  6. Whats the blue Bandit thing nice one dude be passing by soon on a mission.
  7. mission compleated nice one Stu enjoy then flog it and buy a bike :)I love mine to.
  8. This won't be to everyone's taste...but it's a track I heard about in an interview with J.J. Burnel of The Stranglers in an early Superbike (I think) mag over 30 years ago. Features Burnel's T140V as part of the music,he now rides a Scrambler.If you don't like the music turn the sound off and there are plenty of nice bikes to look at.
  9. whats the the project and what carb probs,nice pair of beasts well sick
  10. Alice as an eye for my tresures,and wants a dodge viper shes 13 when I was 13 I had no idea about dodge never mind a v10 viper!!!!!!!
  11. Yes mate the little shyt that lewis leather must be wouth a few quid! the little rat
  12. Glad you got back ok I almost dragged me self there but was not quite up for it so I did sod all
  13. Have I got my work cut out!!init!
  14. XS1100

    Kevla Jeans

    yerrrrrrrrr itchy! well done suzukijax no more KFCs then
  15. Thats a good idea untill the stand sinks in the wet grass and it falls over in the night and kills yer! cheery old sod in I
  16. You would think the council would make a point after all the H&S!free spine snapper in exchange for your DATA! now we know where you live and whats in yer garage............paranoid
  17. Yer thanks, Bit of sod, That bird was more like a dog I must be getting old? But then it was the only bird that chatted to me . I bought another 2 I was devo
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