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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. I see that the Government are recommending that you should have at least 2 alchohol free nights a week - that means I should be spending more time down the pub !! I really do get hacked off at being advised what I can & can't do by Govt. Of whatever political hue. I may drink & smoke, contributing heavily to the Exchequer/Health Service by doing so, but I can't recall starting wars that cost billions of taxpayers money. And we wonder why there is a recession?
  2. Right I am off up the shop forgot what for though! http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Science/2012/Jan-09/159309-nicotine-could-ward-off-memory-loss-study.ashx#axzz1j0mKPbhD hoooooo are 20 Rothmans
  3. She can be my friend on that facey book thingy!
  4. Looks like I am playing Lego tonight thats well sick
  5. I'll be your friend Fanx Melly don't tell any one though
  6. Clever but a 100k naaaaaaaaa,
  7. I read some where it turns the laquer on the engine like jelly and gose yellow with in a few days! you have a look at the points cover I thought it looked dodgy.
  8. I know just kidding, Nice one any way
  9. I had the same issue with Morrisons will never shop or buy fuel off um again.I could go on as its one rule for us and ,,,,,,,,,,,well you get the jist,,,,,,
  10. Whats kicking off here @Dick? Bit of dodgy dealing going on!
  11. 8 quid! its a right sack of !!!!!!!!!!
  12. oooooo r UFO DER!!! When Rainbow split I think every band member started a group
  13. Nice tidy bike them lester wheels are like rocking horse poo
  14. Scorpians now theres a long lost band derived from rainbow?
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