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Posts posted by Stue11

  1. Had a good day out at Swindon today and met a few past present and future champs hopefully thumbs

    Mr Laverty and Alex Lowes thumbs

    Dougie Lampkin 12 time world champ and legend thumbs

    Mattie Griffin 5th best stunt rider in the world allround nice guy and has a cracking family to boot

  2. So what with me bday being on tuesday wifey asked me last thursday if i wanted to go out for a meal on saturday night just me and her....nice thought...but i declined as Motogp would be on LaughingLaughing anyway its Saturday now and im still not up for leaving me TV as im all set for watching LaughingLaughing

    5pm and i said ok lets go out i gave in a thought it would be nice thumbsthumbs So i strolled into me local only to find that wifey had organised a get together with some of me friends thumbsthumbs i walked in and noticed all me local mates and then looked round the room only to see Mike and his better half Angela, i was taken back,,thats an understatment LaughingLaughing Just like to say a big thanks for coming all this way for a great nights company, and id also like to say that i fully understand that others couldnt make it still love ya all the same LaughingLaughing

    Heres a few pics of the nights events enjoy

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