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Posts posted by Stue11

  1. Fist stop was monmouth for a spot of brekkie thumbs

    Then down into Sebbury (forest of dean) to see the bro inlaw and niece

    Then a stop in the ferry inn for a pint of cold iced coke this is were wifey grew up and the severn bridge you can see in the background, wifeys grampy helped build it thumbs

    We then rode to her Grampys old farm house were she grew up...the farm house land was sold and theres about 40 houses built on the land Sad
    From there were rode to the cementry to lay some feathers, cant believe hes been gone 4 years allready Sad
    A little pic taken as me and wifey go and pay our respects

    So from there we rode home accross the bridge and a stop off in Abergavenny thumbs 153 in total cracking day out haad by all esecially me and wifey

    The only bad point of today was that i managed to burn me bloody bald head again LaughingLaughing

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