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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Thankyou Sweban i have a lot of family tied up in this and its not nice thanks for your concerns
  2. Ive pm him and explained mate
  3. cant we all storm into parliment kick them all out,then we could run the country Bikers seem to have a built in need to help each other Lee, who better to run the country? your not wrong there Very true and to think that theres folk out there that still think all bikers are thugish but we are the first to ask a fellow biker if he/shes ok whilst brocken down on the side of the road
  4. what with him and Day101 aka Luke no thanks
  5. Where do you start Dave! weak Goverments, underfunded police, unfair benifits system, laughable justice system etc. If your an honest, working, married member of the community mate your screwed! BUT as long as we have forums like this where we can relate/meet like minded people we'll be alright mate. (I hope!)well said mate couldnt agree more
  6. Fairplay to her i think she does to but dont tell my mrs
  7. OK, who's up for camping ? Don't get it Dave, you enjoyed the last stint of camping soooooo much, I thought you would be first to say yes(Lukes taking his tent) He could have loads of man love if he did bit of a case of been there done that
  8. Were and when is this gonna be are we thinking end of november etc etc
  9. I think it might be an overnight stay so we can all have a drink or two Did someone say drink ? head yea off course a beer or 10
  10. I think it might be an overnight stay so we can all have a drink or two I will keep an eye on this post would be great to meet you all,even if its just for a couple of hours Yea for sure Lee love to meet up over a beer or a cuppa
  11. Give more powers to the police they def need it and i certainly wouldnt want there job
  12. We lived in Handsworth in the 80s ile never forget the nights of riots everyones lively hoods ruined whithin hours of petrol bomb throwing and looting, they just dont think about whos lifes they are actually affecting and its certainly not the mps neighbourhoods me personaly would shoot each yob that thrown an object at the police or someones business and id sleep well at night to knowing it....i just feel strongly about this after having a childhood of witnessing folk being robbed and burgled inc meself.And also finding the odd dead body and im not joking, one guy was killed up the side of me house so ive seen a lot in me short 35years Sounds bad m8, can understand what you saying and I ain't no probs with shootin em if they attacking peeps property and rioting. Perhaps shooting is a bit harsh, but the govermant really need to give the law more powers imo
  13. Have an ice cream Gaz and youll be allright
  14. We lived in Handsworth in the 80s ile never forget the nights of riots everyones lively hoods ruined whithin hours of petrol bomb throwing and looting, they just dont think about whos lifes they are actually affecting and its certainly not the mps neighbourhoods me personaly would shoot each yob that thrown an object at the police or someones business and id sleep well at night to knowing it....i just feel strongly about this after having a childhood of witnessing folk being robbed and burgled inc meself.And also finding the odd dead body and im not joking, one guy was killed up the side of me house so ive seen a lot in me short 35years
  15. We lived in Handsworth in the 80s ile never forget the nights of riots everyones lively hoods ruined whithin hours of petrol bomb throwing and looting, they just dont think about whos lifes they are actually affecting and its certainly not the mps neighbourhoods me personaly would shoot each yob that thrown an object at the police or someones business and id sleep well at night to knowing it....i just feel strongly about this after having a childhood of witnessing folk being robbed and burgled inc meself.
  16. Dont be soft hes still got a bad knee Funny you should say that its hurting this evening you not got a date for the op stueNo mate prob sept/oct
  17. It mate but please remove the basket of the back All jokes aside Dick she a beaut fairplay
  18. I would bloody run if you were after me Dont be soft hes still got a bad knee Funny you should say that its hurting this evening
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