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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. If only objects and items etc etc could talk.
  2. Really really looking forward to this cant wait, i love watching and reaging progress on any build, thanks Gaz it will be interesting especailly the back to original build
  3. Dont forget more pics when you get her and keep us informed
  4. Your right Gaz thanks anyway, Dick as kindly donated some to me that will fit which im over the moon with Thankyou Dick its much appreciated
  5. how much do you want for them mate, i have renthal bars at the mo
  6. Excellent and all ready to go too with a few extras chucked in
  7. Stue11

    Hello everyone.

    Hello and welcome onboard i think we need a swedish section enjoy the forum
  8. Yea i see this on the news last night phew he was one lucky guy.
  9. Sorry to hear this bab good luck in whatever you choose and yea dont forget you have plenty of friends on here take care speak soon.
  10. There we go mate it does work last thing i will say....get down the gym and sort it if your not happy, if you are happy then just be yaself and enjoy life
  11. Very true Mike, my cousen coming home from afghan alive was mine last year
  12. if you have any affection for him steer him towards the blade, saw the new R1 at wsb and its not pretty, the blade on the other hand is a stunner. the vtr looks dead nice btw. Thanks for the heads up. Will try and point him the right way. Must admit I thought he would have kept the VTR, given the look, speed and handling. But he's 24 and knows everything Cannot tell em Mike mind you im still the same now
  13. I think he's looking at an R1, possibly a Blade. He can ride it as he's already left an M3 trailing behind him, so it can move if you have any affection for him steer him towards the blade, saw the new R1 at wsb and its not pretty, the blade on the other hand is a stunner. the vtr looks dead nice btw. Thanks for the heads up. Will try and point him the right way. Must admit I thought he would have kept the VTR, given the look, speed and handling. But he's 24 and knows everything Cannot tell em Mike
  14. But what weight training were you doing and how often, these weight gainers dont work without hard work i played rugby for years and a lot of fullbacks would come along preseason weighing just 10stone for instance, by the end of the season and a lot of hard work they would gain around 2/3stone and feel fitter and look better
  15. I here what ya saying, if you want to gain weight you have to eat the right foods and excercise and start weight training, dont forget muscle weighs heavier than fat and the mucsles need the right foods and supp to make them grow, ps allthough you may be small and skinny you could still be fat inside, if you just eating crap and not excercising your insides could be fat and cause just as many problems for those who show there fat on the outside ie guts etc etc go onto the embarrising boidies website and there should be a test you can do to check this its shocking what goes on inside aswell as outside if you want any help in future with a plan just pm me and ile see what i can do
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