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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Its a game we used to play on tour, you get to say, or in this case post one word describing yourself but theres a catch, your word as to begin with the letter the previous word ended with,you can only post one word, and only once so lets see how many we can get involved, so ile kick it of with a word that simply describes me, Happy.
  2. [quote="stantheman"]im a keep fat finatic welcome Luke
  3. Thats excellent Rose good on ya for having a rescue dog, and walking was also a good way to keep fit as Flinty said it helped him and meself to loose weight and keep fit.
  4. No please discuss like i said at the begining of this thread ive always said, never believed in anything like this but never try to slate anyone for there beliefs, and believe you me, im a firm believer now, anyone that doesn't believe me come and stay a night here
  5. Hello Luke hope ya shoulders arnt hurting after gym tonight
  6. Bloodyhell fairplay most people would have had to be admitted to a ward after all that, i find it really interesting this subject, ive got a couple of vids on me mobile where me dog is going crazy, hair up on end growling at nothing that we can see with our own eyes, trouble is i havent got the cables needed to upload them onto here, i will never delete the vids ive got as friends tell friends then i have to show them the vid if ever i find a way of uploading them i sure will
  7. Yea crack on mate it will be worth it in the end
  8. Excellent vid Mark, cant wait for our weather to get better
  9. Its the Dog Matt i havent got one
  10. Most people will mate, its like there scared of responsability, or to busy to get where there going, glad to hear your ok though
  11. Ok mate sounds like your as bad as me ile let ya know what i see Ive had a look and im going to be honest i can see something but cant work out what, ile have another look 2mw when me eyes arn't sore
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