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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. He must of lost the hunger to succeed, i respect his decision though as most fans will
  2. My first reaction was the same. Given what Fraggy is saying, may well be genuine. If it is genuine, why cash on collection? Surely Paypal would be more secure, given the guarantees? Cash on collection because paypal take a nice chunk allthough it is much safer
  3. Love it mate cant wait to see her finished
  4. Funny dave she did ask wether u still had the caravan ha ha.
  5. Fairplay cant say fairer than that
  6. Seen that on the news the other week
  7. Nice one Mark had to ask wifey whos she was
  8. Nice one Chad didnt realise you were putting #33 on her for Marco, i have one of his race Lids from the gp era
  9. Mike & Angela Dave & Mel Stue & wifey day101 Stewie & amanda Nina & pike
  10. Careful mate, you'll have Dave round early
  11. Hes ready to whip Daves arse when he visits in a couple of weeks
  12. Looking through the pre loved pages it makes me mad to see irresponsible reptile owners without a clue how to care and house them... Read below and please take notice if thinking of buying one Inbred Reptiles and the Indiscriminate / over breeding breeding of reptiles It's becoming more and more common that people are acquiring, rescuing or purchasing 2 reptiles at the same time unaware of the gender & housing them together. 5 years ago a normal beardie could be breed and sold for upwards of £100, Now a norm can be purchased for £10 or even less. In fact a site on FB was raffling of these guys with a starting price of £1.00... the value of life had diminished the only real godsend is that experience owners and breeders are making the knowledge available to ensure that these reptiles have a quality life. So what are the dangers of housing 2 animals together, well were all adults so I have though it was clear; but that obviously isn't the case... Sex, yes animals will have sex and this will result in babies and here lies the problem... With the exception of buying from a breeders do you really know that the siblings are not the off spring of a brother and sister? If you buy from a shop at the same time the chances are high that they are related, sure there are many smaller shops that would know but the factory shops really wouldn't have a clue if you buy from anywhere shop or private unless the paperwork says different always assume that these guys are related and as such they should not be bred. There are exception to the rule, if you buy from a breeder who has a reputation then you can almost be assured that your know the parent / sibling situation. Although in the majority of cases most reputable breeders would always avoid selling multiple reptiles if they know that then will be cohabitation Please remember this is about Inbred Reptiles and Indiscriminate breeding, there are many other situations why reptiles shouldn't be housed together such as dominance leading to lack of food & sources of heat and nutrition, inadequate space etc but for this document that isn't an issue and in some cases such as the Lawson Dragon its perfectly ok to have multiple cohabitation as long as you follow the rules. Over the last few months I've seen more and more posts on various forums and groups of indiscriminate breeding, some are through ignorance some are through blindness; it's a profit making exercise, some are folk who want to give it a go. A breeder will ensure that the bloodlines are not crossed. An owner who doesn't know the back ground will not know the bloodlines and as such risks "Inbred" offspring. The effects of an inbred reptile can be catastrophic, issues such as physical (congenital) defects, such as blindness, heart problems, too many toes, reproductive problems, depression & aggresion can exists. These issues can then transferred if these guys are mated; Genetics is a wonderful thing, it's what we are and it's what carries these issues. just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. So what can be done in the situation where eggs have been laid. Please consider the massive responsibility you have. If there is a chance that you have inbreed eggs or unexpected eggs consider the kindest option and freeze them after they have been laid for a few. For a beardie you have 12 hours before the embryo attaches to the yolk sac. There is no baby, its humane and personally I believe its the responsible thing to do. Please if you have cohabitating reptiles think about the potential blight to our reptile population, think about the feeling of our reptiles, think what an owner would feel after buying a sick beardie who was sold sue to being inbred. There are numerous breeders within the UK who are producing quality over quantity, please buy from a repeatable breeder. please don't house male and female reptiles... Here Here rant over
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=8bXtvO63I0w&NR=1
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