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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Me left leg was tattood in memory of the guy never forget the guy he was an upcoming star and future motogp world champ
  2. Thats the way lads keep buying em it only helps me pension
  3. Thanks everyone for your replies i really do appreciate everyones input time and effort giving advise, i will def be test riding a few next year, infact might just spend next year test riding but one things for sure i will enjoy looking and testing
  4. Just a few Mike excellent pics though thanks for sharing The X7 made me
  5. no you are right Chad my mistake i thought it was the 22nd today all my job sheets have that day on em
  6. My B12 is the longest ive kept a motorbike for and i feel i need a change... i love the old girl but next year think she will go for a newer model of some sort...now ive owned and ridden a number of sports bikes over the years and as much fun as they are i cant ride for more than 5 mile without hurting me body..Now bare with me on this one...im a fool for a race rep paint jobs and obviously Suzuki's are me fav jap.. Please feel free to put your ideas forward on this matter of mine and ile let this thread run untill i decide to sell and buy another...im even considering not riding at all next year and save that much more for a new one...decisions decisions hey...
  7. 1 year as off 2mw 24th and yea very sadly missed
  8. I hate it when folk put topics in the wrong section Mr Hutch
  9. Excellent pics thanks for sharing em Chris
  10. Heres a few snaps of the day...we left leominster at 6.30am i had to ride 35miles to monmouth with me visor up as the fog was terrible...to say that we were cold is an understatement cracking day allround though
  11. especially having our Scott and crazy Joe in motogp and yea Motogp as a racing spectical as been boring for a while, even more so since we lost Super Sic
  12. No sand healthier reptile less vets bills simples ps wait untill you smell there S t thats another good reason to have lino
  13. Jezza it looks like a female...if not its a small male...if i were you i'd get rid of the substrate and replace it with lino, the sand can cause impaction as they lick as they move if you want any advise just ask beardies are great lizards
  14. Almost a year on still miss the bloke never forgotten
  15. Heres a few pics.. Marco loves his new home ps please ignore my blue head im shedding
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