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Everything posted by dick65

  1. nice one gaz, cant beat the genius of bob calvert
  2. dick65


    welcome to the forum,loving the exup
  3. this looks interesting gary keep us updated and plenty pics
  4. £3.86 and ive had a snog off mine already.
  5. you want to try a northern winter chad, id be sunbathing at your end in december
  6. you do wonder about some people though
  7. good to see some stiff sentences being handed out to these bastards
  8. i once had to wrestle a fox of our cat years ago
  9. thats good dave,but you sure the wind didnt blow it there overnight?
  10. noticed it wasnt working this morning so got back early from work and spent 3 hours cleaning all the connectors etc,i traced it back to a loose earth i thought the switch had gone at first so thats saved some cash the loom looked like new but its 15 years old! a really satisfying job well worth doing.
  11. dont know , can i stop at your Mam's ?
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