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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. would rsather it go over i can paint it for free haha!! and thanks stan ill get one later. and standard hanger. cvheapest on ebay i founmd for the 9r was £60 posted. worse comes to it ill get my uncle to weld it. ill use it for a bit. and then excuse to get some fancy rear sets, just skint this month
  2. usually cheap enough come around quite often it seems!
  3. Chadatious

    Hi All

    please dont be a caravan forum anyhow welcome mate
  4. i didnt get my chance to ride today
  5. or the bird across the road oh yes!
  6. yeah :/ oh well thats life it will get sorted soon
  7. must be the s.e it was 12 in my car. and when fitting my new seats i was only in a t-shirt. it was well warm!
  8. was it me or did today seem well more like summer!! it was warmer, birds were tweeting. i was just wearing a t-shirt at lunchtime. sign that summers around the corner
  9. nor did i, one bits snapped by bolt hole so i think odds are agains me but ill pay mt uncle a visit wednesday
  10. maybe youll catch the scum next time!
  11. havent had the ninja out for 2 weeks so me and mate were going to go for a local blast, as i pull my bike out the garage backwayrds the peg gets caught and i snapped the rearset clean off such a nasty snap looks like im going to need a new one unless it can be welded, but i doubt it. shame as im now skint this month so no riding for a few weeks
  12. 416 to be exact as i set my trip. i did use the bike as acommute for 6 days thou and ive done 2 big rides. its broke now thou
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