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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. can they be made to 3 bolt easily?
  2. Chadatious

    hello everyone

    welcome and ignor dave hes
  3. yes you do dave. you wont go anywhere with that caravan (top box) on your bike the only creepy thing about my 2 bike monor accidents is i had dreams it would happen in a way. when i got reversed into on the bandit i had a dream like a week before that someone drove into me, so was close :/ and then when that bloke pulled out on my with the sv, the place it happened on the way home, on the way to college before hand i had a though that someones going to get hurt one day due to bad visability, then 8 hours later bang im in the side of some pratts car
  4. Not 100% sure on what your saying there chad but bandit engines don't use shims, there old school rocker style tappets. sorry its my southern youth of today accent. and i know bandits do, meant shims are the pain in the arse. the tappets are a lot easier imo did my bandit ones twice, and did 2 lots for a couple of mates, had to do a honda cg125 copy, 3 valves. so weired.
  5. if i end up soon in gloustershire to see my brother from anouther mother ill always help mate its easy enough its not so un when you get shims. if not im sure someone will help ya
  6. shows how the pet shops lie, the mollies may go to dad in his tank, the pleco, hes a poo machine. the betta, seems okay, danios just swim around, i do want a bigger tank but funds dont allow at the min. every sunday i have been doing a 1/4 to 1/3 water change.
  7. nice one mate, hopefully ill get to meet you this year
  8. what about my google who run off for 2 days over the weekend and had my worrying the sh*tbag
  9. not siure wont be any time soon. as my hours have been dropped at hotel to 9 whats crazy, so relying on this bodyshop job to sort itself. i want anouther shrimp but at £9 i thought id see how he gets on first but i have enough fish for now. i want some neons, oe penguin tetras. but it would be over croweded so maybe is danios eventually die or something they will replace them, as their also small.
  10. okay so with crimbo money i got a fish tank, and thou some people may enjoy, im getting well into it and want a bigger tank now. its only 30l but a deep tank, here when i first set it up i then got 3 danios to start the tank off nd once they were settled i got 2 white mollies, and a blue siamese fighter fish. i then got a pleco and 2 crabs, ufortiatly after 2 days the crabs died. took them back and they gave me £10 credit to the shop but they said do a 25% water change first and then due to what they owed i got a shrimp. matt (fr499y) told me its a bomboo shrimp. expensive bugger but seems pretty cool
  11. what does tis guy do for a living?
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