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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. no names but i know someone who claims disability and they have built conservatorys, walls, knocked up concreate. and i think! im paying for you to lie!! so when he gives me greif trying to take the mick he usually gets greif in form of you scrange!!!
  2. your bikes well nice!!!! and always good to get back out for the first time into the new season
  3. ssurprised its not dick, hes on every other page!
  4. tanks changed bit of a move around, and i have ti keep truimming the plants i now have which are different. and the fish have changed i gave the danios to a mate. and one of my mollies died while pregnant for soem reason. and my dad has a pleco so the tanks cleaner now i got anouther female molly and a male, so i have 3 mollys, 1 fighter, 5 endler guppies the little fish, seem to just go around cleaning the tank eating small bits of food, my baboo shrimp whats grow, 3 shrimps i cant thing of name begins with y, had them 2 weeks, and have only just started to come out, but their interesting things, they have finaklly leanr the fish wont eat them. and a clam, i had 2 but one died a few days back, but was never right. white female, and dalmation male mollys fighter and bamboo shrimp endler, getting a pic was a nightmare betta male moly new female molly the smaller shrimps, love algie waffles the clam betta bamboo shrimp
  5. thats bad mate!! can you not put a camera up to see if you can catch anything tonight etc?
  6. love going for a drive in the car late, just cruise along, traffic lights just turn green its great!
  7. tidying! fun too cold to do anything decent might clean the filters etc on the fish tank.
  8. nice one! and dont chickens attack snakes?
  9. crap mate :/ so many un honest people. someones hit my mate on a roudabout and caved side of his car in and they drove off.
  10. poor bloke, and there seems to be lots of idot buying bikes too fast for them these days and ridding like nobs!
  11. i had a simular app on my phone but it was bit of greif but this is how it worked, it would notice a shake, it would then detect if you were moving by gps, or if you had stopped if you had stopped it have you a set timeto move or press a button, and you ad a number that it rings to say you could be in trouble and then texts that number a gps code. i found that the number i put it as kept getting phone calls if i stopped quickly etc. so gave up on it
  12. There on to ya chad we was being bit cheeky today. nothing like a couple of bikes out, zx10r had a death wish, ovetaking everything around corners the lot!
  13. surely it should be done with just the weight of the bike, as when suspension travels the chain will tighten? if the case then if your sat on it, and the bike suspension travel jumps up a bit it would become slack and jump around more?
  14. Thanks Chad. Its only a Mk2 Focus but Ive managed to sort it now. Have ordered new trims but wont put them on until Im ready to sell it. Have bought plastic caps to protect the wheel nuts and will just paint the wheels. Ive just got to get a new NSR lamp lens they cracked but Ive managed to weld it with a soldering iron if you ever need bits my boss is ford crazy! has alloys coming out his ears. but their for us young hooligans!!
  15. ill order some payday. im guna need a couple for my car once its re-painted so give me a couple of weeks ill drop you a message mate
  16. ahh basta*ds, what car is it mate? ive got bits kicking around, or one of my lot might. aqnd ive got a set of peugeot 14" hub caps you can have if you want them? i have no use for them ive got alloys now.
  17. oooh god thats me then! better behave myself!
  18. im bit low on stickers at the min, ahvent even had anyone want any this year? how many would you be after? i can place an order
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