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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. ooops, i hate being a pillion personally
  2. you do choose some weired friends dont you dave!
  3. take a gun they wont try again after that the low lives
  4. ive got a dalmation onesie that fits over my leathers
  5. just found out it would have been his birthday today,
  6. tend to not line up 100% so usually need some cutting but mate had them on his zxr400, and instead of cracking/sanding like the stocks would they shattered into a billion pieces when he came off. if you can stick to origonals, but they do fit if thats your only option
  7. Dvla cocked up their saying I should be on 33bhp till October 2013 when I passed car, but bike was august 2012. So need to go to my local office.
  8. should look good, ive done the bike now playing with colours for the car
  9. i love the father and son bike advert ill hunt it down later
  10. £20 for tests down here, i might give it ago. theres one up road from where we may camp for souther meet dave haha
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