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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. shame mate, hopefull he will sort things out and have a new way of life
  2. I couldn't plan a ride I know as I don't know any of those areas. Least have someone who knows the area is ideal.
  3. thats all we need Deja vu sorry mate did you and rich feel a bit left out last year? why not join in on the fun this year lmao!
  4. part timers the lot of ya i worked xmas eve, christmas day and boxing day night.
  5. so you must know GIXXERGAL THEN (fek caps) Rings a bell mate
  6. Your right Mel my bad. And yeah Robbie, James helpped last year then ditched us the queen so ill sort it this year
  7. only 4 of us last year but was still a good laugh. anyone up for a 2013 meet? looking into it and ride destination isnt planned yet but it wont be on my swampy land. was thinking of these little villages near a place called maidstone, or maybe down the coast, james said deal is nice, but will will have a ride around we thought of the top ride on here might be an idea it starts from out favourite bike cafe http://www.kentbikers.co.uk/kent-rides and was thinking meet on friday 18th august, ride on saturday 19th, and then all go home on the 20th?
  8. the main forums im on are here ninja uk kentsussex bikers pug 306.net heres easiest to use, kentsussex bikers have some good ideas like the "like" option etc. the other two run of same type of setup and im not keen on it personally
  9. i need a new tent, mines not waterproof and it always rains up north
  10. my mate james was looking at some sluts and he rode into a tree branch
  11. What causes the most Accidents in the World ..??? Now don't be hasty in your judgment… read to the end. Not cell phones........ Not the radio......... Not the satnav...... Not talking............. Not texting.............. Not watching a car video...... Not changing a CD....... The most frequent causes of accidents in the World are caused by: Yep !!!.... You guessed it !!!.... Inappropriate footwear !!!!.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. welcome to the forum i think theirs a couple members your wa
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