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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. 16th, 17th, 18th august it is then. and route sorted, just need to soprt a camp site. didnt realise how little there is online, ill have a hunt see what i can find for prices etc!
  2. ahh coolo, see what my last payday is from the hotel then ill know as its an extra payday seeing as im getting paid weekly at the new job!
  3. well i quit my job yesterday and start full time with the workshop next tuesday so cvant see anything holding me back got a route sorted, if we camp near maidstone, we can head towards sheppey, in faversham to the hern bay coast, get lunch there and then ride bike, there will be 1 town which can be bit busy but it shouldnt be nothing like rye was! and then once were past that the roads all the way back to maidstone go on for quite a while, and we love them!! best roads ive found down this neck of the woods seeing as its so populated! would camp back on sheppey but those mossies were unbearable. maidstones more inland so hopefully less of that!!
  4. Depends on the make & model. French cars it's often under 50k, but they do use lawnmower belts. And no, a diesel will destroy valves just as eagerly and will need doing just as regularly ah crap its a peugeot 306. lol if its lasts aouther year id be happy as then im getting a new car!
  5. ooops. how often should a can belt be done? my car had it done at 75k and its now on 115, but is a diesel, dunno if it makes any difference
  6. what ? a hoodie (no zip) or zoodie (has a zip)
  7. a real racer would do it in a doddle
  8. when is deadline for orders as quit my job today so will be seeing what happen with the new one next tuesday
  9. gutting! all that excitment dave and you couldnt go! spose to be more bad weather this week
  10. weathers so shite at the mo, i wanted to do a birthday ride as well
  11. shame its not closer like brands hatch or something or if they did one there as bit of a trek for me
  12. this is a prime example of what winter does to bikers!!
  13. this time last year it was like summer! and lovely looking bike mate!
  14. id love a parrot, id teach it to do the home phone ringtone!
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