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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. i usually get out on the bike as much as i can. i hevtn been out in over a week, and dont feel like going out. and i dont know why. think im ill haha! saying that im doing 1 last ride on 33bhp, takin the restrictors out, and then locking it up before my holiday, ready for the southern meet, but cant ride it until the 18th.
  2. yeah, if this southern meet works ill do anouther next year. make a few more to go to, but as said id be up for this one
  3. id be up for that, depends nearer time boviously, but its not far like this years so if im free ill be there
  4. ON heineken 1 of them each will be a start heineken is like sex in a canoe m8 f'*k&^g near water neil you coming? and it was on offer £14, and i dont drink so couldnt say whats best. and no stan im lugging it 4 miles in my car as wont have my bike the first night
  5. Good idea but the keg has to be really cold otherwise it just froths up when poured. I'll put it in the fridge for a week and it will be cold for Friday night.
  6. youll be here before me lol. im leaving wales 298 miles at around 9.30 oh and the journey begins, thought this would be easier to hide from the harty than lots of bottles, just refil the glasses
  7. 6 as my mate jordan is going and i agree rich everyone says yeah i can go, then it comes to it and they bail out
  8. i used to wear one as a nkid, mum made me, saying that got to a point id go round the corner with it on and hide it in a neighbors bushes, great till she saw me at the coop i see the idea but i dont think ti should be forced. i think cyclists should have to do some sort of saftey test thou, or training as such.
  9. do you want to meet half way then ?? would but saving pennies for the meet, plus now doing some bits that might help me get back to college next year
  10. nice to see that youre indicating chad yeah im a sensible hoolian. ive said now thou thats if now, i can do it, got some nice pics, keep it to cheeky corners and track days
  11. I don't feel cocky. I just wanted some sparkie pics. I don't usually play like this, its a thing I like to say I can do. And not saying I want to bin it, just know its a risk even all of us take on bikes. But this trackday will be for the nuttyness
  12. See Dave I love to push myself and the bike used to race motocross, and think that bug is still in me, so going to try track days, if I like it may get a new bike at 21, and maybe a 600 sports road legal for track days as if I bin that its not so bad. When I might bin it, but ill just repair it, but when I get a new bike may not be so pushy. And I am young
  13. nope lydden hill, short tight track good for the 600's, and £99 for 9am till 6pm
  14. id go brands hatch saying that onder if lydden hioll dot ehm, they do rally cross a lot, but do have a track for bikes etc
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