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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. Both good bikes but Honda fan myself, I'm looking at naked cb1000r.
  2. Maveric drop me your addy in a pm, and what colour sticker you want, and ill hive you my email to send the pic. Cheers
  3. do what ? Take one Dave tit :P
  4. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/?tab=fiveDayyes Syston Rain Dry here Dave, weather says good Friday and Saturday night, so should be ok.
  5. It's only there to keep the monkey quiet for 10 mins.
  6. Nice one mate, been 5 days and I want a ride bad...
  7. great, shame you cant camp :/ but still be good to meet you
  8. yeah 4 of us will have a great time more beer for us lot haha
  9. Selling my 33bhp washers from my sv650 will for car model so 99-03. Got them up for £25 elsewhere so £15 for you lovely guys and gals on here
  10. I can't say yes, but if I'm not working and can afford it ill be there
  11. Chadatious


    welcome from a kentish lad from cross the bridge
  12. so far theres me, jordy, dave, rich and possibly james.
  13. sorry its a bit late, but happy birthday, hope youve had a great day and enjoy the rest of the nite
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