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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. not many posts going on? eveyone starting to hybernate?
  2. i had simular case with a cd/dvd player for my car. open a case in the resolution centre, (report a problem option), and then they give you 8 days to sort with the seller, if he does not give you a refund, make you messages clear on what is wrong via the case, and after the 8 days ebay will act, most likely in your favour
  3. as above, i orderd a silocone case for my desire s, and then realised id orderd one for a c, also comes with a screen protector? if you have pm me your address and ill send it for free, no use to me!
  4. amount of dodgy cutomers we get like that, last night some people orderd scampi, food went out and they said lasange, told them a 20 min wait then and they had the scampi, kept sayoing they wont pay (free meal beggers) but we made them, and then a bloke was ignoring the waitresses, being rude! their 15 year old girls no need to be nasty to them
  5. you find people do that with age dick Well they dont say "Young and stupid" "old and wise" for no reason you may be your 20's matt but your an old fart really
  6. i know riders nod during the day, wll the nic eones of us! but does anyone do anything at night, noticed a few local bikes give you a flash! ive never done it personally,
  7. There was chad and I thank you. ahh good good, worried address was wrong
  8. you find people do that with age dick
  9. nice one! what happened to your daytona you left back here?
  10. have fun! and take plenty of piccies for us
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