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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. all types, most of us seem to ride naked bikes, few sports, theres couple chops and classics too etc
  2. gutting mate hope you get all things sorted
  3. not much going on just playing. ivr wrapped my exhaust, many people dis-like it, but its grown on me, heres it first on in white. its now gone a nice heated colour, smoked at first but fine now, and my downs are bit tatty, so its tidied them up. just to paint the engine/forks and its a clean bike also got bargain, led indicators from hein geike £3.88 each but cost me £26 in resistor what have broke so off back to bike shop to try get a refund on the crap they sold me!. and a numberplate bracket, it kept bending, oxford crap so had to make a suppost on the back, but all good now. they are tiny but mightly bright
  4. okay long story but im bit ticked now! james' neighbour has had arguments with us, because we have the bikes! saying were loud, threataning and so on, yest my bikes loud but i dont sit there and rev it, and those who have met me i dont look very threatening!! well he has pinned james against the wall drunk and attacked his aunt. after his last rant the police payed him a visit, and he aled down a bit. however the other day i was doing paint work around james' house, i reversed my car on the side of his drive to load the compressor etc up, and poped into the garden for 5 mins. my front left tyre was facing the bottom of his drive, i moved the car and it ddi not feel right looked and my tyre was flat, yet when i put it there it was fine, i had a hole in the tyre, but funnily on the side! massive hole, and you could see what looked like a phillips screwdriver had been there from the shape, funnily enought the arseh@le was in his front garden playing with something. no proof but i think its obvious, quiet little road no one about but him! with i could do something but then il get in the poop! heres the damages
  5. its crap! feels like winter, trees gojng brownish, cold, dark, and just feels crisp
  6. dont know, except that chaps dave in his younger days
  7. I'm not guna say how slim I am lol. His ares do s look horrible thou
  8. Off to buy part worn tmoz, looks like someone's stabbed my tyre, and I'm broke this month so got to borrow the £15 off mum till payday
  9. Little tt style vid for you all. But Kawasaki have gone back to the quick 636 bike http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=TfCAsIS9Jv0&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DTfCAsIS9Jv0%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&gl=GB
  10. he said he will replace snapped pin one, but solder isnt their worry etc. wan**rs all i can say. im takin that one back, and ettin replacement but worry is that will break too like al they others, sayin that one broke toniht, may take all 6 back and say give me a refund!!! and how much would you want phil may be worth a try
  11. had someone try to get partial refund before. was on a virago chrome covers. little did he notice he lived 20 miles away, went to see him and asked him to prove it, and id give him cash back, he stuttered, and the mark he showed me cleaned off with my ! timewasters! it an arse stan! you do get dodgy buyers thou. i now take pics of bits before postage and how their wrapped if their worth somethin
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