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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. coooool and as stue said, will look forward to some piccies
  2. im too far away sorry, but have fun
  3. scran---------is that a real word????--- what does that mean!
  4. i cant ind where to watch it without sky
  5. its the idiots rushing to get fuel, then other idiots panicking wanting to get some before they run out!
  6. their alright, clever with their music but to be fair not my taste, but oldie pairents got it on
  7. i could make you feel better but nah, you are old
  8. No mate we cant house them together beardies live on there own oh know housing totally diferent anyway, just mean even near eachother? but spose they could be territorial!
  9. nice one!! do both lizards et on or would you never put them together? spose being different breeds etc
  10. just a bit of general convo, but how long have you guys been riding 3 years for me on the road, 1.5 years on full licence, or if you count motocross from a kiddo its 7 years how bout you guys?
  11. 130, thats a divi on speed! haha look good, dont like the yamaha to well you learn something every day
  12. standard turbo m8 all the big jap 4 had a turbo bike in the 80's fair enough never knew thatm looks like a nice bike! im leikin a triumph at the min, but japs never let me down except kawasaki! spose you cant beat them really
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