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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. yeah and they can be useless at times to be fair. i got shot with a air compressed bb gun in town, police bloke bumped into his misses and was having a chin wag. 10 year old got shot in the neck as well. other copper was day dreaming. got a phone call to ask how good they were so told the truth, they sounded a bit suprised! hope you get thing sorted thou mate! sure you will. much damage to the car?
  2. tell ya what I recommend it to anyone, even the peeps that would get embarrassed, I took some right crap and never thought people would buy it but honestly they buy absolutely anything used toilet paper? old oil? blown light bumbs? really
  3. 5 hours of enjoyment but I wish I had the hair from me moto x days coz I burnt me little bald head in the sun Haha fair do. On the 750 and you need a cap. Shame Sean had a triumph spring 1050 for 450 last month. Needed couple bits of fairings and possibly forks.
  4. I agree I'd puntch them. Not try attempted murder thou lol.
  5. i knoch we souldnt have kicked her car, dunno what provked it but no need for her actions
  6. rode it more last year , dont use it at all through the winter , and only staerted it and took it round the block today fair enough mate
  7. my last months pic was sh*t but this month im ridding now so got more of a chance, got some okayish ones today but ill try to get better ones
  8. nice one mate, and you not ride the bsa much then?
  9. i got a couple of people with fake parking tickets today thats my contribution
  10. nice one mate, how comes you ddint get that 750?
  11. I'd rather get the sports. I'm thinking repair valve see what happens
  12. Dick the one's we got from M &P £125 WITH FREE DEL What's this
  13. Cr500 mad bikes. I'll dig some of mine out tmoz
  14. not bunged etc, are raced etc. when i could stretch to new but crap quality. but is that a good amount of tred left?
  15. can get a pair of tyres pirelli supercorsa diablo rear 6mm centre 5mm sides front 4mm centre 3mm sides £89 posted. worth getting? got 4 sets these have most rear side tread, been used for practice qualifying laps. is that good mm left etc? my tyres are bit square and i dont like that plus the valve leaks o tyres gotta come off anyway
  16. A card Thank you all for the messages, and thankyou to Dave for the card, and stue + Mrs stue for the card and goodies lol
  17. took 30 mins to get diesel this morniong idiots!!! and everywheres sold out. absolute retards.
  18. bike looks lush mate! oh and dont encourage them
  19. i think they can look okay under a sports bike fairing, but got discustion over jameses pic. white light shining on a diversion 600 engine and putting red ones over rear wheel :/
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