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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. no if i had a parrot it would be taught the doorbell noise to drive everyone crazy!
  2. mike thats only if there is a lack of bike photos which there is at the min, bug only been a couple of days
  3. 50, blimey! dont worry my old mans been saying he going to die soon since he was 50, hes now 61 and he still bothering us
  4. we will get 12 if not ive got some photos of everyone at the forum ride.
  5. ill never get old im peter pan!
  6. What medication are you on?
  7. very appropriate music, the one time i took my bike through central london a foreigner drove into my back wheel and i bounced the side off me off a taxi door. its awful there!
  8. i want some snow. go out skidding, get into some minor trouble for making a 6ft cock out of snow on a roundabout and then let the sun come back. funny time of year!
  9. Okay enter your pictures here guys. 1 pic per a person. Need at least 12 if there is more ill make them fit. You have until the 30th November 2014. Goooooo!!!!! also you can change your pic any time by editing the post as long as before the 30th
  10. I've been posting crazy on Facebook one. Kent and London bikers said they would advertise you if you advertise them? But that's up to you? Also when calendars get made you get discounts on flyers etc. I'll look into this. Also if you want more forum discounts for the breaking in now transfered to an eBay shop that can give discounts with codes etc but up to you
  11. I'll sort it this evening I'll just get everyone to post pics and ill fit them somehow
  12. just thinking getting bit close to mark now as i always used to do them for end november. but still time if dave wants me to do them? or if someone else to do them?
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