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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. Getting your hands fixed ready to fit a kitchen
  2. ive just insured the aprillia with swinton, the price online was £190 and a few odd pence so i paid, ive looked at my online policy and it says £238! they better not be taking that out of my bank or ill be having words! i hate renewal dates! and dick thats only with their permission so no joy riding
  3. like the government living in their own world no idea of what actually happens
  4. Age has its benefits. Even im down to 190 now
  5. I dont do it much. I was playing on a quiet sunday industrial unit. Got it out of me now
  6. I agree top box but bet its a trick question
  7. Is it bad i had my knee down within 24 hours of owning it then? Im being sensible though
  8. Well took it out properly today! im loving it! just suits me to the ground. want to go 70 itll sit there happy as larry want to open it up and its so torquey itll just fly! and iv got an optimate, and with a bit of luck someones left a cable on the bike to fit the optimate on, so i dont need to take all the seat off to fit mine noticed the fuel tanks not the biggest thou!
  9. my ninja idleing was hard to talk over, so is the tuono thinking about it but dont think quite as much. looking at it it has a cat on it too so thatll quiet it down
  10. and dont say its an age thing the bloke who bought my zx9r was 69
  11. you honestly dont know me do you!, ill see how it goes it could do with just a notch louder. some new mirrors, and few shiney bits like rad covers etc. and itl be done. staying its original colour this one
  12. loud enough really but i still end up making things louder, so do i cut the £900 cans down to 3/4 length
  13. surely this ones funny? Define Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink and be Mary!
  14. picked the new bike up today as some of you may have seen on facebook. sorry for crap photos but it was done with my phone
  15. I might have said before but lets see if i get it first viewing is at 1ish
  16. just curious any members going to the southend shakedown on monday? anyone reasonably close it is a great meet! and plenty of room for bikes to fit!
  17. we have some nice roads, but probably not as good as yours, hastings etc can be a good run. and the wrong turn rides are the best!
  18. looks good! wish we had roads and scenery down this way! hope it looks like that in july!
  19. not good. ive heard of them shattering if getting whacked for any reason but thats defiantly not good! people lives at hand!
  20. well the ninja is sold! so can i still stay on the forum off to view a new bike tomorrow in southend
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