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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. well ive got my eyes on another tuono an older one but as a track toy, bit scared of putting a 4k bike on the track but its a tuono its made for wheelies
  2. ebay also own paypal and gumtree dont they? wonder if they are affected?
  3. ive seen pics but had no codes ?
  4. Mine and jordans money has been sent mark! might be a bad idea once dave sees my previous comment
  5. if its within say 200ish miles for me ill drive up, stay at a travel lodge then go home next morning.
  6. business account isnt that old but ill deffo change my personal one just shows how safe we are
  7. ive got margate meltdown monday
  8. Yeah might be case of taking frame and logbook to be scrapped.
  9. ive finally found the balance point! im smoother off the power but clutch up is more controllable once up
  10. okay you used to send part of the log book off? ive broken a little skyjet 125 for parts, the frame has an engine mount weld snapped so is no good to anyone, looking at the log book there is no scrappage bit, anyone know how i now get it out my name and no longer on the road? thanks
  11. so many stories in the van already, and proper laughs, and i can get my bikes i break or fix to sell in the back!
  12. how did we all find the forum in the first place that may be a way to look. i remember something from bandit forum.
  13. chads love shack passion wagon dont laugh your daughter may be inside haha! its a cool van! carpeted, has a sub in the back even great to go for drives and just chill!
  14. be a road trip mate! got to get a few bits sorted first need a new set of leathers as ive got fat! need ventura luggage bars for my luggage kit, a new oil pressure sensor as typical Italian bike is playing up. and ideally new slave cylinder as ive got the common tuono/rsv snatch problem. itll be good to meet a few more of you though!
  15. i could camp in my van! its all carpeted in the back
  16. Ah cool. have been telling kev to pop on here more often but hes only on his phone for now. His bike needs a lot of sorting then before he comes, i better get cracking and fix it for him and sorry ive took a while mate. bank opens at 9 here and i start work at 9. and they shut before i finish, but i finish college at 3.30ish tomorrow so itll be fine
  17. People just dont seem to want to spend time on forums these days unless bike specific etc. Its a shame as its a proper laugh on here and met some great guys!
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