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Everything posted by sweban

  1. Gizmoz, mavrics and my bikes " />some other" />Suzuki with honda " />" />" />
  2. Hope you are right abuot the wether. I am going to London end of August and begining of september
  3. 237 miles this weekend so total 528 miles
  4. The parsel ariwde to day good servic
  5. Thanks for the coments i will bye lowerkit for Gizmos Fz8 and thats the only deler i have found so far that have it
  6. does anyone have any experience with them
  7. Last week i thought the winter was over [img][/img] Today [img][/img]
  8. I bilt this rack for the Fz8 it takes about 30 sekonds to put it on and of [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
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