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Everything posted by haveugot1

  1. what time will you be there dick?
  2. I'll call for you mate! go up via summerhouse again. no we not gonna let ya. Harsh!
  3. There the best runs ian. Just get out and ride.
  4. no we not gonna let ya. that was let me know r u going?
  5. Can you remember that long ago mate!! im not that bloody old and Ive been told by the magical mirror I look young
  6. brilliant tyres m8, had them on bandit and had so much more confidence with the bike.
  7. glad it worked mike. now can we stick ya the garage wall?
  8. I wont be able to ride all day folks as at work sun night, but I will ride to hartside to have a coffee with ya dave Mike and anyone else that wants to ride up on the morning let me plz.
  9. Was going to say im not 48 but then read all the posts
  10. yeah its really good dick. Going to see if I can stick mike to the wall.
  11. Thanks Mark will pop round Can I borrow your glass polisher too please!!
  12. Thats a bit of a shame m8 hope ya get her on the rd soon.
  13. Ive just bought a can of spray adhesive. Used some and its bloody good stuff. Got loads left come borrow it.
  14. nice one dick glad ya got sorted.
  15. Get a hair cut and pull ya jeans up
  16. I hope so ian, if not going to tie a rope round him and drag him round
  17. Thats bloody unlucky m8. But a good kit will sort it out for now.
  18. Was harder taking the bloody bike apart mike.
  19. Well spent the morning balancing ste shorts carbs and do a few other jobs. But he needs a few things to get her spot. And cheers mike for the loan of the balancers.
  20. Have spoken to mike and we will be there sun. Ian r you coming?
  21. your right mel its alston only a couple of miles up the and just round the corner from dick.
  22. Dick there is a lay by before the roundabout into newcastle airport. If yoy wait there and get her to ring you when she is leaving the airport you get the first 15mins free enough time to put her bags into car and no charge.
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