Dear PF, In PS you have abandoned Stadium racing, Stickers, fishing (a little) and cooking. Here are some ideas: 1. Stadium Racing: The racing look older than other features. Why don't make it look newer like it is a new feature? Or add every day 10 races where you race in Multiplayer mode with an other friend, the reward to be 50 coins. 2. Stickers: Why don't you add a new item like the Soap, Brush, Microwave, Skipping rope, Ball or Frisbee that when you get higher level it is more pretty? It will be a like a book that when someone (you or your friend) click it you can see the stickers.Or why don't you add new sticker categories (Petlings, Homegrown plants et cetera)? 3. Fishing: Why don't you make a book like the Diary, Sticker Album or the cookbook when opened you can see what fish you caught and Silhouettes of fishes you didn't caught? Or make fishes giftable, but you must pay a certain amount for water a bag? OR make a Weekly Fish which can be caught with any new food item for that week? Or like the treasure map make more places for fishing? 4. Cooking: The last addition for cooking was the Seasonal Dishes last year. And in all categories (excpet the first and the seasonal) have only one dish. Why don't you feel the empty places with dishes? Or make Seasonal dishes for every Holiday?