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Everything posted by Tromo3

  1. I am so sorry to hear that , . At least he isn't in pain anymore. I can't find the words that will lessen you pain,But he will always be with you no matter what, in you heart. A lots of hugs and kisses to you.
  2. I was just feeling to share with you to how my life is sometimes and :35: . THis actually sounds more funny than it is to read it. Whenever my mum says she is going to another countryMy reflex is: "Please buy me something!" I say this when I am reading and someone is annoying me: "Let me tell you tell you a bed time story: Once lived a monster ......................(and then comes a scary text). Sleep well." And here is what stupid things scared me to death and how: Bathrobe-I was opening the door of the Bathroom (Actually I jumped on the doorknob) And then a BAthrobe Wooshed in front of me (It was hanged on a ahnger on the door) My "Protector" Teady Bear (2 tiems scared, once weird)- The Teddy is BIG. I usually stay late than my father (We sleep on a double bed, I sleep up and he down) so he turs the light off. I climb up and see something laying in my bed (it was a Scream moment, The scream was in my throat) I thought it was someone but it was the Teddy. Once I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw something sitting on my legs and staring at me (THe TEddy Again). THat night I woke up and his hands were surrounding my throat. My revenge on him: Last Saturday I could sleep till 1 o'clock in the afternoon IF I didn't punched my TEddy Bear in the dream so hard he hit the door and fell on the floor. A plant that someone left in the hall (That isn't teh right name but Google TRanslate says it is My Bloody Valentine instead the rela name, It is the room in all Buildings with flats where you climb teh staris to go to the door that is your flat)- That plant scared me 20th times cause it is a Floor to ceiling plant. I was climbing the hall (the name isn't right), but the lights were off and there was no electricity (For my Mental health it was middle day) I came where the lights of the top were seen so I hurried and climbed to the light (It is still creepy) and I turned and I saw the pant and it was a Scream moment (thankfully I didn't scream). That is all for now Hopefully I made you smile. My life is When my brain is creating Ghost stories when I should sleep and Creating Ghosts when The lights are off.
  3. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump.
  4. You're still here Yawo! OMG!! The stupid plant in the hall where you enter in flats has scared me for the 20th time
  5. Tromo3


    That doesn't make me hungry CAuse I am gonna eat this soon:
  6. Hi Yawo!! I missed you a lot!! And now you are online, and I must go German course(Ihope I spelled it right or said the right word) My MOnday is Happy. First Classes were shortened(caue of a Muslim holiday Tomorrow) and no school tomorrow and the day after.
  7. I think they are way better (except when they are seeds or similiar)
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I wanted to post that, but had to wait for me to be only online!
  9. Tromo3


    Have a great time Yvette. I forgot to tell. Yesterday I was walking and whispering in my self to be carefull and not hit the sign. Than I tripped on the sidewalk and hit the sign.
  10. Tromo3


    Evening Everyone! I have alight headache for looking at optical illusions for 30 minutes It is more funny than it hurts.
  11. I like the idea. Here is a new idea. (AN Idea per my post): Jewlery Mystery Egg (All kinds of bracelets, Tiaras, Crowns, Necklaces)
  12. Here goes another one Am I Making MB and MEs too much?: Light and Darkness MYstery Eggs (Like the 4 Elements Mystery BOxes)
  13. Another Silly idea. Dragon Mystery Eggs. You get Dragons toys and Plushies from it. ANd wallpapers for the Dragon cave.
  14. Again (I was supossed to go to sleep): Mystery Mystery Boxes (The tname is stupid I know that) In those Boxes you find Bundles that they contain Furniture or clothing reffered to some unsolved Mysteries (Or famous mysteries that are currently Solved) i. e. Amelia Earhart. Jack the ripper. Bermuda Triangle. There are a lot but if I think more My dreams will be a mystery
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