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Desiree (Starpop)

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Everything posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I know that you're dreaming of your old friend for a reason! We pray that God show you why? He is able to do all things-nothing is impossible through him! We are touching and agreeing with you for the clarity in the situation (matthew 8:19)
  2. Will do! We pray that God will make it clear! God bless desiree
  3. WOW! "ABSOLUTELY" AMAZING! (no pun intended, that just came to me!! ) The funny thing is evangelist, is that I just heard a word this morning from a well-known pastor that confirms what you just said: "ITS NOT ABOUT EMOTIONS OR FEELINGS..NOT ABOUT RELIGION BUT ITS A DECISION. CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE (my words). DO YOU WANT WHAT GOD WANTS (HIS MERCY/GRACE/PEACE) OR DO YOU WANT WHAT THE WORLD HAS TO OFFER?" I choose God in every way--even when its not convenient, not popular, etc. I know that by being sold out to God and not compromising this salvation walk that in the end it will pay off! In the end, if we ALL choose the Lord's way above our own and the worlds, we WILL receive our crown (which is everlasting life!) GOD IS SO GOOD!! THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS WORD! I HAD TO RECOMMIT TO THAT DECISION JUST THIS MORNING (to live for God nomatter what)! PRAISE GOD FOR HIS ABSOLUTENESS!!!
  4. Yes you are true Lovetoworshipjesus...it is crucial to forgive so that "doors can be open" and God can move like only he can! Chica4Christ: Even though I've asked for forgiveness and have forgiven him in my heart, I would like to see him in person too to let "bygones be bygones" and have that final peace/closure that's needed! I know God will make a way for you too to make amends with the ex all the while, while you're self-healing in the process! God bless you both! smooches desiree
  5. you're always welcome! We're waiting together! I am going to sleep in Jesus arms tonight and I am going to tell him to make so room so you can join me. Proverbs 3:24 Sweet sleep for you. you are so precious and sweet! I wish they had an icon for a diamond and/or piece of cake because you deserve it! smooches and sweet dreams desiree
  6. Yes LovetoworshipJesus! Its true that God has already revealed to me when my husband is going to show up! Someone who happens to have the prophetic gift and is also my best friends' friend told me--I was surprised because I had been thinking about my 'husband-to-be' for a while (since 2004 even though I was in a current relationship; the prophecy came right on time and the person is VERY accurate[everything she has said about my personal life has come to pass thus far] so I've been waiting patiently ever since!) I don't know what he'll look like, or even what his name will be, but God has shown me some characteristics and certain settings. I feel like I don't need to know 'who' (even though I've been anxious in the past ) because I believe it will be a welcome surprise! I've always been having dreams all my life, but in the past 2 years they've really been increasing (in the form of my ex, celebrities, and also my husband to be!) After I got the prophecy (almost 3 years ago this fall), my dreams of my husband-to-be have been my confirmation. Random people have also confirmed my dreams and previous words spoken--look at God!!! I keep thinking that I will meet him at school (because that's usually the setting) but with God you never know! Daphanie is one too who God showed her who her husband to be was in dreams and then when he showed up--it was confirmation! (I encourage you to read her testimony). Keep trusting in God nomatter what (because Satan/others will try to discourage you in the process). I've only told a few people what the arrival time will be for me (regretfully my ex knows), but I can't allow what others say to dictate my faith in God! Even when you don't see it in the natural yet, be obedient to God and walk in it until he shows up! God always keeps his promises (Joshua 21:45) Someone also told me not to talk freely about 'the husband-to-be' and the characteristics I want in a man because Satan (as we know) CAN send counterfeits, but I believe in God's infinite wisdom, He will show you what is of him and what is not! God won't disappoint, fail, or embarrass you--EVER (I can attest) and though others may not believe--SO What?! Its not for them to believe because God gave it to you. They will be the ones that will be 'clothed in shame' when its all said and done and you'll be the one filled with joy (and have the last laugh of course! ) Be blessed my sis! God will provide. Just keep believing and walking in it! Get yourself together and do the work of an evangelist and before you know it, he will show up! smooches and I am utterly excited for you! I touch and agree that you will have the strength and determination to wait on ONLY GODS BEST FOR YOUR LIFE! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! desiree p.s. sorry for the long-windedness!
  7. yes, Great news! He is happy and God will soon make you happy with your dream man!! It may be hard, but keep holding on until God's best comes along!!
  8. Seeker, we love you and you're always welcome--you know that. Until you get the test results, I encourage you to continue to read aloud (so Satan can hear) all the scriptures you can find on "healing". The bible is your weapon! Take care desiree
  9. Thanks Lurdys and LovetoworshipJesus--I appreciate yall!
  10. Cholette, that's one of my favorite verses!! Thanks for the compliment too (I'd like to think of the little one as me and that man my Lord! -- Its reassuring to know that God loves us so much can't you just feel it?! ) Thanks for the congrats you guys--I'll be at a place not far my home (10 minutes!) so that's a good thing, I can sleep in a little!!lol
  12. I'm willing to wait. What do I have to lose? Absolutely nothing. God is going to blow OUR socks off!!!!!!! :yes: ...I couldn't agree more--AMEN Sister! cholette, thanks for sharing that wonderful inspiring story! Again, it all depends on the couple--some take a while to "know" eachother and some dont (let me be apart of the ones that don't ) but yet one thing is true for both: THEY JUST KNEW and the meetings were so "unexpected"! Love you guys from the bottom of my heart!
  13. Great discussion everyone! This teaches us to be aware and to be on our God about all things (keeping our head in all situations as the new testament suggests so we can point out what is not of God) because not everyone out there is speaking the truth!! God bless you all and keep growing!! desiree
  14. Proof that you can't believe the doctor's reports but ONLY that of the Lords!!! PRAISE HIM! HE is a miracle worker!
  15. A lot of times we as believer's think it's the non-believer's problem, when in fact in some cases God in working on us. AMEN!! (My mouth is my problem!!! WORK ON ME LORD!!!) WOW! GREAT GODLY AND SOUND ADVICE FROM EVERYONE! I definitely wish that I could have wrote down everything in my past jobs!!! thanks to everyone! Blessings desiree
  16. I will definitely keep you in my prayers that God will give you wisdom as to what to do! Land is definitely a source of wealth and God wants you use wisdom in how you deal with it! GOD WILL SHOW YOU! smooches desiree
  17. First of all I just wanted to say to Virtuous and Cholette that you are awesome women for being 43 and 36 and STILL waiting on the one! I couldn't do it--I've been burning far too long already!!! May God continuously bless you both!
  18. Vile, Though you are right when you say satan has his signs and wonders ( which by the way are counterfeit) but when God has his signs and wonders, peace follows--there's no confusion!
  19. I think it all depends on the plan that God has for your life and the individual. God tells some and then he doesn't tell others (until later) because they may not be able to handle the information at the time. God knows what's best for each of us--so what may work for one may not work for another--its all according to the plan God has for your life. Also, God gives us choices, so I believe its up to us to use discernment and wisdom (coupled with time of fervent prayer/fasting) to let God show us if whom we pick is the "Right one" for us or not. Someone once told me, "Anything of God is good." If God told us "every detail of the plan" there would be no reason to have faith or to trust in God completely right? I am one that doesn't know whom my husband-to-be is, but I know when I will meet him (God has given me an exact time). For me, its all about trusting God to give me that man when He's ready for me to have him. I think that if I knew whom mine was I wouldn't be ready! Besides, I like the thrill of not knowing sometimes--I want to be thoroughly surprised!! I pray that when I DO meet the one that we both will know without a shadow of a doubt that we are for one another! Whomever it is, God will bring you clarity and confirmation. I encourage you to read moderator Daphanie's story/testimony of how she met her husband. God showed her the signs/characteristics of her future mate even though she hadn't met him yet! She trusted in God and waited on HIM to move--Let God be your matchmaker and he won't disappoint and I don't believe she's disappointed in any way either!! Do what you need to do now so that you can prepare yourself--get in that kitchen and practice cooking, dress nice wherever you go, work on the fruits in your life, let God be your first priority, etc. I'm learning that if I want an "Excellent mate" I have to make myself excellent for my mate as well!! God says that he "WILL fulfill the desires of the righteous". He'll give you what you want because you're asking for God's will to be done in your life. I wonder too though, if whom I'm praying for God has revealed me to him as well or will we just know about eachother when God places us together during that appointed time? I encourage everyone to read the stories of Esther, Ruth & Boaz, Jacob and Rachel, Isaac and Rebekkah, as perfect examples of how true Godly-ordained marriages/matchups happened/need to be! The stories blessed my soul and gave me a new perspective of just how God gives/shows us our mates! Great topic!
  20. you've mentioned some good points clarie! I think that it IS absolutely necessary to talk to a pastor or leader you can trust with sensitive issues as this!
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