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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. well that wasa mouthful, ,,um good points raised ther lurds, ive seen a direct link wiv poverty an poor diet health problems,, ppl r no longa liveing,, ther surviving an many cant afford good basiks, its heart breaking becos its become a generational health epidemik in the land of D,,, so its a many faceted thing, i think surgery shood be a last resort, 2 answer Cholettes question, ,,,,,,,, D,, oh waita,,, menu plse,,,
  2. i know,, its watt i do best,,,, D,,, burgaking,,
  3. ,,, um wood u like 2 upsize that miss,,?? ,, um extra chickn wiv mommas tato salad, ,,um an coke zero 4 the drink ?? ok that;ll be $14;95, hava nice day ,, call again soon, ,,,, D at the drive thru,,
  4. i agree in principal,,,, ohh is that fried chiken? yummy,, um yep id love sum buiscuts an gravy ,, i think gluttony is a branch from the tree of greed,, ,,the werd says put the axe 2 the root, ,,, [im hopeing 4 lotsa credits 4 that scrip ],, the werld appludes greed ,,, it dont matta how u get it,, jus as long as u do,, ,, i think adictions hav many faces,, etc,, u dont know until that button gets pushed ,, wat hold it has in ur life,, ,, howeva i dont beleave wer r 2 whip ourselves like monks, cos he gives us all things 2 richly enjoy,, D,,,
  5. i kno im notta but its notta genda issue ,,this is a huge topik, [pun intended ,,],, ther r few issues involved, 1 societys expectation/value of a person relative 2 ther size,, personal heath,,,personal worth, its mi humble opinion that, overweight ppl problem is either;1/ lifestyle based, eg; type of food eaten exercise dun ,, or 2/ state of mind ,, eating 2 fill a void or cover a hurt in ones life, ,3/ a medikal condition,, causing excess wieght gain, i dont hav the answers ,, ,, i know ovaweight ppl r discrimnated against ,,devalued,, ridikuled, abused, overlooked, etc, ,, unless ur an opera star or sumthing, i guess the topik of surgery is dwn2 personal choice, sum beleavers hav cosmetik surgery, ,,,of various types, i guess we hav dominion ova our bodys,, look at ivf 2 hav babys, often its the thin ppl who call 2 carpet, i knowa pasta who did that ,, he had no sympathy 4 anyone who was carrying extra pounds,, he was quite proud of his trimness, he got on mi case once ,,i wantd prayer 4 sum health issues he lookd dwn on me an scowled at me sayin god dont heal wen ur the person at fault, i didnt want his prayers or his judgement ,, i was deeply hurt, an felt his discrimination an pride was more of a problem than mi pounds, 2 try 2 answer ur question C,,, um we hav free will, i guess its up2 each persons conscionce,, sum ppl rnt gonna get ther thru diet an exercise, thers a risk wiv obeseity surgery, ,, but if it helps them well an good, but it doesnt answer the primery question of why the ppl r overweight in first place,, and will they need the procedure again, ,,im sure this will be a lively topik inDeed i hav herd of ppl gettg instant supernatural wieghtloss, 30-50lbs, ,,, D,,
  6. mj,, well in the old testiment, that was the way did things,,god wood show/speak 2 the prophet thru dreams or a werd 4 the nation of isreal,, or the leaders,, or 4 the ppl, it wasa specifik office upon a persons life, altho i feel all the old testiment leaders wer prophetik 2 sum degree, its the nature of god, D
  7. hi ppl ,, i hav these moments periodikly wer im jus doin ma thang ,, rolling thru life,,the day etc,, then ,,its like suddenly i feel ive previously seen this event or felt it,, but the whole feels familya,,but i cant always put mi finga on it,, but thers a sense of weve been here b4, ,,anyone else get that?? D
  8. thers a term 2 describe ur current status,, ,,,its ''supawoman''
  9. love those powasuits,, ohh many facited one,, um grt news D
  10. yes ugh,, u feel like a flat battery,,
  11. i wonder if procrastination is linked 2 depression, ,, werby a person depressed feels disempowered 2 do even simple tasks,
  12. um seems ok 4 now,, but dont kno 4 how long,
  13. wood be finga lickin good,, mmmmmmmm 11 herbs an spices,,
  14. or u say it like this '' chiken paarks..
  15. i guess u say it like chiken perks,
  16. hey i went 2 the colonels,, an gotta 50piece buket,, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm nummy,
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