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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. ok deal i eat pav ,,u do pushups,,
  2. i cant see u,, ,, D bak wer he belongs,,
  3. eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk now im starving ,,nortygurl D in a feeding frenzy,, um kids dont do this at home,, was,, now ,,, ,,,,
  4. um i think ,,um snappa fillets entree,, pan fried,, beef wellington garlik mash,, steamd veges,,, vinilla pannacotta an ice cream ,,mmm
  5. yes esply in the kitchen ,,um Dees food orda comeing up,,
  6. now whos like i Dee need compitition,,
  7. i guess u wanna oskar 4 bakup supportg actress ?? oh mi Dee ,,realy thinkso?? hav2 think it ova,,
  8. ,,ur on target wiv that one swty,,
  9. ,,yes swty,, i think i got a tripple portion ,, cos i kno sum ppl missed out completely
  10. i woodnt want feelin like this,,
  11. um i dont think the endorses Dee ,, but i cant stop u if u so desire,,
  12. yes did u know that econ/icon is called dreamsta,, yes ok u can hav mi autogrf,, um photo aswell ok here,, [d],
  13. yes im increadably consistant,, D in his directers chair,, an cut,,
  14. yes drama,, action ,, it is tha oskars swty,, welkome 2 mi werld,,
  15. at last gettg close 2 normal justa day in the life of Dee,,, um no dancers ?? the canadians stuk at the border??
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