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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. i neva tyre of the dukes,, an daisys southern frid chicken mmmm at home wiv the colonel,,
  2. no wonda i always got egg on mi face,, ,,um thats Betterman ,, miss debsta,, D Betterman,,,,
  3. got ur funnybone,, ,,an this dee betterman,, late show,, wher anything can happen ,, an it usual does,, i;ll be rite bak afta tha break,,
  4. i thort i askd the questions,, ,, um yessss eggs funny side up,, um i was funny D jnr at skool ,,often got in mild trubble 4 teaseing the teachers,, ,,then was head clown at werk,,then ch,, and now here,, u shoodnt egg me on but im glad u do D outta his shell totally..
  5. an thank u 4 tuneing in2 the late show wiv Dee Betterman,, of course,, thers always ,,, Dee in his intaview chair,, ,,now h/f,,,
  6. yes celebraDee hassa lotta appointments afta the oskars,, '',i jus wanna thank 2nite,,'',,
  7. um can we get bak 2 the photo shoot now ,,
  8. of course,, mi anointg Dee imparts easily,,
  9. no not busy justa sideline activty ,,nuthing mock ,,it was all real,, ,, um one Dee 2 rule them all,, i think thats a movie line,,,celebraDy
  10. eeekk gettg orders,, ohh im doin ,,im doin,, miss flashbulb
  11. perfect,, everyone said deeeeeeeeeesssss,,
  12. ,,i agree wiv lurdys agreeing wiv me,,,
  13. yes i do think ther r drm markers in our lives,,
  14. hi C,, i can sense ur dissappointment,, ,, sumetmes wen ur looking 4ward 2 sumthing that can be more eciting than actually the event happening,, i u kno wat i mean,, altho i discovered yestaday in mi gold coins drm that part of it manifested,, which gives me hope 4 the rest of the drm ,, D labouring 2 enter his rest,
  15. boss thers room 4 u here 2 ,, acutally 4 all mi frends a special t u 2 debsta flooring ltd 4 the orsome deep pile red carpet,
  16. i guess,, ,,ohh is that red carpet rite ther???
  17. the boss has cut me loose frm her thred im adrift in the open sea of the site,, i feel like gilligan island, modern D robinson crusoe,, ,, i need 2 post 2 keep mi thred goin
  18. whaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa,,, ,,i think i come wiv batteries baby Dee thanks debsta bby photos ltd,, 4 promotional piks,,
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