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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. ok i understand, perhaps search online for a ''bethal'' church ,they operate in the gifts of the holy spirit, they would have a counciling dept, horoscopes is seeking revelation by occult means, not from god, so combined with the wiccan they are the doors of legal access for demonicstrongholds to be developed in /over your life, their mission is to keep you vou bound, i would ecourage you to confess the sin of seeking direction from horoscopes, and your attraction to wiccan,this is the first step in going forward, ask the lord to surround you with angelic host and to give you wisdom on how to proceed,
  2. yes its possable ,demons cling to unconfessed sin,generational curses,spells,etc, rick joiner had numerous visions of demons rideing Christians backs etc,, truely hideous, an anointed person praying in agreement with you is sufficiant to bring about your deliverance, i ask if there has been any doorways opened to the occult in your family, eg; seances,physic readings,mediums, i suggest you find a church home for your own spiritual wellbeing, you can take authority according to luke 10;19 and bind the powers of darkness,cast them off you, declare the cleansing power of the blood of christ, ask the holy spirit to deliver you from evil as in the lords prayer, ask forgivness if you have unforgivness towards your parents,and honour them, clean you house of any occult material,thats a start,
  3. is that klingon, ur talkin,
  4. im more than happy for you to facilitate his needs, im the wrong person to communicate with him,
  5. he was banned multiple times, but came back on another computer, so had many chances, but always reverted back to his ways, so its`not about a 2nd chance, the level at which he wore ppl out was off the charts, im just not prepared to tolerate that,
  6. im not so sure about shud,, he was devilish when he was on here ,, abusive, blasphemy, swearing, rude, beligerent, unteachable, defiant, ungrateful, etc,, the site was a avenue for him getting undue attention, i hadda member pm me of the dispair of seeing him here again, and that he's been a menace on other dream sites recently,
  7. i guess time will tell,
  8. hey, whoever,,, cloud is back under the guise of ''joshua117'', ,,shud i bannish him like he was
  9. i banned this watever, for postg porngrafic material/links, and trying ti infect site wiv virus
  10. this shud be in the dream section, has fear got a hold of ur life, ?
  11. yep things are ramping up, im not caffein free but i know wat u mean,,, ''but the coffe was just sittg there by itself,, what else kud i do?''
  12. hmmmm, i cant see your application for leave anywhere on my desk,
  13. can you really say never?,,what if someonehasa drm wiv symbolls an no feelings,
  14. have a look at giveing birth to twins one dies drm, i think the symbolls out wiegh the felings, but i only have 6 stars, what wud i know,
  15. an option for you may be to confess your short comeings with a counsiler or very trusted frend,,god isnt suprised or overwhelmed, but will welcome you with open arms, [read luke 15,11-32]avoid self condemnation, and forgive urself
  16. yep, it is tuff, and the more you focus on watever it is ur waiting for seems to make it harder, i try to do the things in life that i need to do ,as best as i can ,and let the thing im waiting for manifest in its own time and way, the other hard is not trying to do a ''ishmail ''and produce something out of you own efferts, ,,,perhaps invest your time and concentration into someone else, that may be more fruitful as you wait,
  17. soul ties develop out of relationships that are out of order, ,,like youve said, the area to watch for in praying for others manipulation and control, directive prayers, i think the key area for you here is your ''NEED'',,, while your prayers may not be amiss, the atacthment you develop which somehow forefills a need in you sounds amiss, and your subsiquent happyness being derived from it, sounds out of balance to me, im not sure that its overtly sinful in any way, but the meeting of of some need in your own life, i would seek council from a spirit filled counciler to process this and bring it into balance,
  18. it may be a deterant to stop you going down the path intended, i cant imagine you doin that stuff unless your doin that now, i guess you kud say any university is a path of destruction, but it need not be,
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